Just wanted to say it is possible to get off venlafluxine it's not easy but you can do it.
My story
I've been on anti depressants for last 12 years after the suicide of my brother whilst I was pregnant caused me to get pre and post natal depression and since then ongoing depression and anxiety.
I've been on lots different meds over the years which work and then I have a relapse and put on something else. In 2011 I was put on venlafluxine after my mum was diagnosed with terminal cancer and I took time of work to nurse her until she died. After this I went downhill in a major way the venlafluxine was ramped up to 375mg also given Buspirone 20mg then Olanzpine to help me try and get sleep and help with the nightmares and hallucinations I got when I did eventually sleep.
I was coping fine with all this until last year I collapsed and it was discovered my BP was so high I was close to having a stroke my heart rate was up and I felt like my chest was going to explode. 2 more collapses in as many weeks lots of tests and its discovered it was a side affect of the venlafluxine. Several Psyco appointments later its decided to wean me off venlafluxine and put me on something else. During this time I lost my job and marriage broke up so I wasn't in a great place. I managed to get down to 150mg venlafluxine and trust me that wasn't great the sweats started and I felt like I could sleep forever the Psyco decides to start me on Seraltine alongside the venlafluxine gradually increase that as the venlafluxine is reduced .....me not trusting doctors do my own research and see that this also has a side affect that can cause high BP so I raise concerns and off he goes to look for something else by this stage I'm down to 75mg venlafluxine I'm still not feeling great but still getting through each day, my docs are not greatest and I kind of got bit forgotten about so at beginning April I decided to see if I could completely withdraw I cut the 75mg in half then again went alternate days until eventually I had stopped .....I had 2 weeks of horrific brain zaps shivers sweats and general zombie feeling and I got to point where I thought I had made a huge mistake but I'd given myself until end April to decide if I could live without the meds. Now don't get me wrong my life had its dramas as only happens when you are trying to cope and are analysing your every feeling/mood, a friends daughter killed herself and because I have been there with my brother it took me back 12 years but I still managed to support them as best I could and then my aunt who I am next of kin for takes a turn for worst and I am told by hospital she won't last the day (she did thankfully)
Top that off with an ex hubby working in Oz for 3 weeks but still managing to push my buttons and 2 kids on half term to look after and you see that I had a lot going on. I got to end of week 2 and started to think I'd made a mistake and then the brain zaps got less, the sweats stopped and the shivers calmed down.
I'm now 5 weeks on completely medication free for the first time in years and I can't say I feel great but I don't feel like I imagined I would I almost feel like me again, I'm sleeping better have more energy oh and my constipationary IBS well that is 99% better too so I'm guessing that was another side effect of meds.
I'm taking things day by day and I know myself how I feel when I'm going down my black hole so know I can do something before I get there and know that if need be there will be another med right for me that will pick me up and keep me going.
Things are not great at home the ex moves out this weekend but the only conversations we have are rows where he puts me down I'm dealing with my feelings and kids so like I say it's a day by day thing I have a docs appointment next week and I will update them and fingers crossed show them that I am coping.
I'd never tell anyone to just stop meds and defo not without discussions with docs and family it's about slowly cutting down and adjusting slowly with the feelings and reactions of your body/mind.
I hope things are getting bit better for you I wanted to share my story so you can see it can be done I will keep you posted but there is a light at the end of the tunnel it sometimes just takes time to get there x