Author Topic: Coming off venlafaxine for good. First time off ssri/snri in 10 years  (Read 15811 times)


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Re: Coming off venlafaxine for good. First time off ssri/snri in 10 years
« Reply #15 on: April 19, 2014, 09:15:36 PM »
Hi folks

Noticed my appetite has gone down dramatically over last few days. Maybe a good thing. Couldn't stop moving though and can't relax. I suppose that's quite good for withdrawal considering most have much worse effects.

Do you know of any supplements that might help?

Thanks in advance.


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Re: Coming off venlafaxine for good. First time off ssri/snri in 10 years
« Reply #16 on: April 25, 2014, 08:47:56 PM »
Just an update on how I'm doing.

Well to my surprise, now having been med free for 2 days,  my mood has been boosted dramatically. I'm also sleeping better and I have no withdrawals. I'm supplementing with 5htp and some b vits.

I had been on ssris and venlafaxine without a break in 10 years.

I was diagnosed with mdd and was told I would be on them for life. I'm glad I made the decision to come off them.

Just goes to show that the pdocs may be incorrect. I've lost faith in ads. But, I still think they can be used to get you out of the depths of  despair in people with MDD. But to be on them for years, I now feel that's it's crap tbh.

I felt excitement today like I've never felt in a long time. I'll now practice cbt techniques to try and prevent relapse.

To those that think that everybody will suffer horrendous withdrawals from venlafaxine, I can tell you that might not happen at all. I suffered very minor withdrawals on a quick reduction. I hope some people will read this and realise there is hope after coming off venlafaxine or any other ssri and not to believe all the horror stories.


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Re: Coming off venlafaxine for good. First time off ssri/snri in 10 years
« Reply #17 on: April 30, 2014, 03:57:06 PM »
Hi all

Well I feel like a bit of a naive idiot.

I've now been off venlafaxine for a week and I started to get the brain zaps a few days after stopping. In the last few days my depression has come back with vengeance. I'm also having  bursts of anger,  I've fallen out with my family and I'm having nightmares that seem to go on all night long which are so vivid.  I think I was far too optimistic in regards to withdrawals  but I think that was due to not suffering much withdrawal or relapse in the 2 weeks I went to half dose coupled with the thought that from reading other peoples horrific withdrawals only when even missing a dose, I thought I was somehow going to avoid it. It only started after a few days of no venlafaxine.

I have pdoc appointment tomorrow but after all the suffering for a year due to side effects or withdrawals I'm really unsure if I should go back on them. However, I feel really depressed again

Maybe I  should  wait it out and see whether my brain chemistry mends itself.

I just don't know if I believe ads are the answer. I have a feeling my pdoc will just want to try me on another one. I'm lost.



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Me again  :-[

Just thought I'd post although I'm getting no replies, but at least folk can see what I'm going through and might help them if they can empathise especially if in similar situation.

Seen pdoc today and he advised that my relapse shows I have clinical depression. 

I'm going back on ecitaopram. I asked why since when I had my relapse last year I was taking this medication and I had another bash with it in nov last year which also stopped working after a glimmer of remission of about a month. It them stopped working again. His answer was that circumstances were different then. I then explained my thoughts on the pharmodynamics focusing on the desensitisation from that drug. He replied that the brain doesn't work like that and it may work again. He took on board my suggestion that I can't tolerate noradrenaline reuptake not dopamine, this was due to my research into the pharmodynamics into the meds that didn't work at all, ie sertraline, much increased anxiety prob due to dopamine reuptake and mirtazipine/ venlafaxine which increases noradrenaline levels hence insomnia, aggression high bp etc. He agreed with me that a clean drug highly specific for serotonin was the best choice for me.

He also suggested that even though ecitalopram may not work again it's not the end if the line and there is many other options to look at.

I have faith in his advice so fingers crossed.

« Last Edit: May 01, 2014, 10:25:19 PM by Jrabz »


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Sorry I have not responded to your post.  I have been feeling very low.  I will post in my journal to explain.

I just wanted you to know I have read your post.

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Also my apologies for not answering Jrabz but I was reading your posts!
Medications of the same sort can work differently for each one of us. As I may have told you before venlafaxine had worked well for me for about ten years and now I am predominantly on Nortrityline as only serotonine reuptakes did not help me much. For example escitalopram did not make fully recover, even on high doses.
My experience during thiese last years was to trust my pdoc, knowing that he would prescribe for my best interest, as there are some protocols that I may not be aware of despite the fact that I also try to read about medications. Besides the way I react to medications as well as different combinations shows my pdoc how to best handle my particular depression situation.
I have also read that a med. that did not produce its best, after some time it can resume working! So I really hope that this one works for you at this particular time ...... and I hope it works rapidly!
In the meantime just try to hold on!! And keep on posting ..... and I assure of my understanding and empathy.
I myself had a few days of low during the Easter holidays .... together with my pdoc we had decided to take off 25 mg. of notriptyline but my symtoms started coming back and I immediately re-introduced it and now I feel better!
I thought it would work but unfortunetly it didn't.


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I put all my trust in my pdoc and have been so much better.  I do so hope the escitalopram works for you. As your pdoc has already said there are many other options to try. 

My thoughts are with you.

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I have been reading through your thread and wish I could give advice but can't as I've only been on three anti depressants on and off over the past nine years. I've been on three anti depressants at different times on and of over the years and the one that's worked best for me is Sertraline.  This is with me having a tough time of it due to health problems and Sertraline has helped me through it as the health issues were affecting my mental health not just the physical.

That to one side I am sorry that you are going through a difficult time.  Times like this are made worse in a way as you was coping well then started feeling worse again.


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Hi Sweetpea,

I hope your feeling better. Thanks for reply. Xx


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Hi, yes I am thank you.  How are you?  I know its early days on your new meds.  My thoughts are with you  :hug:.

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Sweetpea, pip and grace,

Many thanks for your replies. It's given me hope that this may work.  Hope all is well with you.

Once I feel I'm out of this dark hole I'll respond to you're posts and hope they will help as you've helped me.

My thoughts are with you. Xx


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Just to let you know that you're not alone in your black hole ..... though you may feel physically alone, you are in our thoughts!!



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We all care and we do understand what you're going through.


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thanks again. It's good to know that I'm not alone in regards to the depression.

You couldn't make up the week and and a half I've had

I had a car crash last Sunday where the other vehicle pulled out in front of me through a gap. They accepted fault. I got hire car. I then had lunch with my friend on Friday at a restaurant round corner from work. My ex made an appearance at the same restaurant. He caused me to have the major relapse I has last year that ended me up I'm hospital. Lots of cheating and lies, long story. Then when driving home from in hire vehicle a vam decided to change lanes coming off roundabout and went into side of me. Luckily they accepted fault again. Just had interview for new position and it wasn't great. Then today I've been told my car is a total loss. Meanwhile my flat will be on market within 2 weeks and now I'll be carless for viewing other properties.

And you know something.  Light switched on in my head this afternoon. Couldn't help but laugh. Maybe I'm being premature but I think the ad had suddenly kicked in. When this last happened I was put on citalopram 4/5 years ago. Similar feeling, a light switch came on in my head and felt relief and could see clearly.

Fingers crossed. Xx


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Oh my goodness, what bad luck you have had :). Thankfully you are OK.

Everything crossed for you that the meds are working for you.

Thinking of you.

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