Me again

Just thought I'd post although I'm getting no replies, but at least folk can see what I'm going through and might help them if they can empathise especially if in similar situation.
Seen pdoc today and he advised that my relapse shows I have clinical depression.
I'm going back on ecitaopram. I asked why since when I had my relapse last year I was taking this medication and I had another bash with it in nov last year which also stopped working after a glimmer of remission of about a month. It them stopped working again. His answer was that circumstances were different then. I then explained my thoughts on the pharmodynamics focusing on the desensitisation from that drug. He replied that the brain doesn't work like that and it may work again. He took on board my suggestion that I can't tolerate noradrenaline reuptake not dopamine, this was due to my research into the pharmodynamics into the meds that didn't work at all, ie sertraline, much increased anxiety prob due to dopamine reuptake and mirtazipine/ venlafaxine which increases noradrenaline levels hence insomnia, aggression high bp etc. He agreed with me that a clean drug highly specific for serotonin was the best choice for me.
He also suggested that even though ecitalopram may not work again it's not the end if the line and there is many other options to look at.
I have faith in his advice so fingers crossed.