Author Topic: Pervy puss, kinky cat or severely depressed domestic shorthair?  (Read 2043 times)

Michael Frankum

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Pervy puss, kinky cat or severely depressed domestic shorthair?
« on: February 14, 2013, 12:08:52 AM »
Chloe the cat follows me everywhere, even into the loo. If I'm sitting, she stares at me, and we sometimes have a conversation. If I'm standing, she has started patting enquiringly at my product. As you may know from my Journal, I have a waterworks problem, and find it a little difficult to control the stream, so I have to hop to avoid her. When I flush, she runs off. But the other morning, as I was walking past the bathroom, she was just hanging there, with her head down the loo, and I swear that she was trying to press the flush handle. I hesitate to ask, but has any other male encountered this behaviour in a cat? I always put fresh water down in the kitchen. Do you think that she has realised that she's kinky with all the water sports (and the kissing)? I'm not a slut - there are no tongues. Until we know each other better. Do you think that she is showing suicidal tendencies? c56 I hope that I can get her through this! I would be grateful for any advice.


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Re: Pervy puss, kinky cat or severely depressed domestic shorthair?
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2013, 09:00:35 PM »
My cat derek likes to sit and watch me on the loo. He is odd! I also have to keep the lid down when not in use, as he has a penchant for eau de toilette!

Strange kitties!

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Re: Pervy puss, kinky cat or severely depressed domestic shorthair?
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2013, 02:01:20 PM »
Thanks for the info. Believe it or not, None of my other feline friends has seemed to want to drink from the loo. I always put fresh water down. Now I've started to run the tap in the sink while I'm in the bathroom, and Chloe is happy with this new source of water, which means that I can relax. c27


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Re: Pervy puss, kinky cat or severely depressed domestic shorthair?
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2013, 07:44:27 PM »
Well I've never had a normal pet.  One of my cats, Charlie, would follow me to the bathroom and would want me to hold her then would dig her claws up when I stood up.  Tasha beats up the bath mat but on the other hand she is the only cat that hasn't fallen in the bath when it's got water in it.

Bruno likes drinking the toilet water when the toilet has been flushed.  When we first got him we lived in a house where the toilet was separate from the bathroom.  Whenever we had visitors I would warn them not to go up stairs to use it if I had gone up as Bruno would follow me so I couldn't close the door  "!+

I.B Igor

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Re: Pervy puss, kinky cat or severely depressed domestic shorthair?
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2013, 10:06:03 AM »
I had a daft ginger tom, many years ago, called Garfield, lovely cat, but had a fetish for bleach, if I washed the hard floors in the flat, I did it with a weak solution as we had a big daft Boxer dog who brought his walks home with  him , so I regularly cleaned mud from the hallway. The cat would follow me, and lick the floor, called the vets, and they said cats like the smell/taste of bleach, as it smells to them like a male tom cat.
I had to then put a child lock on the lavatory, to stop Garfield licking the neat bleach I put round the bowl. ( he once fell in as a kitten and I was found with a very sorry looking ginger scrap, being forcibly held under a tap, while I rinsed him clean ) Cats are the oddest creatures.
Dinky most mornings follows me upstairs, to watch me have a shower, she stands outside the bathroom, and peeks round the door, and once round the curtain to see if I have drowned/finished yet/ have a mouse in with me/ keeping an eye out for scaly monsters attacking Mummy / wondering why I allow myself to get WET every day. Once I am out, and drying off, she looses interest. She likes sleeping on the bathmat too. Only once has she peed in the bathroom, right over the plug hole , didn't tell her off, as  she has only ever done it once. 
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Re: Pervy puss, kinky cat or severely depressed domestic shorthair?
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2013, 07:32:56 PM »
My little Missy Squeak was always an outdoor cat until about a year ago, a year tomorrow actually, on her 13th Birthday, she fell 30 ft from the tree in the back court.  Poor wee girl was lucky to survive the shock.  She's never been the same since and has become so clingy and demanding of attention.  She'll sleep for a while and then start bawling her eyes out for attention.  She is a Tortie, renowned for their BIG attitudes and very vocal conversations.  Her brother, Oscar is the total opposite and is afraid of his own shadow.  Only last night, I had a touch of wind.  Living alone means one can let it go whenever one pleases   poor old Oscar got a fight of his life and flew off the chair like a bullet!!  And why is it, out of the entire area of my 5'8'' getting tubby build does his back legs always spring off my crutch ?!!


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Pervy puss, kinky cat or severely depressed domestic shorthair?
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2013, 08:46:29 PM »
Lol Cat. Just picturing your poor cat getting a fright like that and bolting. Poor Missy that was one big fall :(.

S x x x x 

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Michael Frankum

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More waffle!
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2013, 02:50:58 AM »
Well, I can't settle down to sleep, so here's more evidence that Chloe might have problems. For the last couple of days, every time I get up, she stays on the sofa instead of following me, BUT, when I go to sit down, each and every time, she races under my descending bottom like somebody playing Chicken on a railway line. She must realise that I'm not very agile, so again I must ask, is she looking for a way out of at least one of her lives?  c17 I hope not!  ???


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Re: Pervy puss, kinky cat or severely depressed domestic shorthair?
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2013, 08:50:13 AM »
I have a toilet watcher & 2 that would drink from the toilet if they were allowed! I have 1 that will head butt you if you don't show him enough attention and one that eats my cords on the back of the blinds.

it's just an odd cat thing, she's probably just making sure you know she's there.



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Pervy puss, kinky cat or severely depressed domestic shorthair?
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2013, 09:44:37 AM »
My Boris does that as well Michael. Think its just a crazy cat thing lol.

S x x x x

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Re: Pervy puss, kinky cat or severely depressed domestic shorthair?
« Reply #10 on: March 23, 2013, 10:18:01 AM »
Tasha is like that too, it's all part of being owned by a dominant cat  0066


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Re: Pervy puss, kinky cat or severely depressed domestic shorthair?
« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2013, 09:57:02 PM »
Before I flush - no matter what's down there - little Missy Squeak needs to inspect!!  I also get head butted by Oscar for attention and Missy is just always in your face, bum and all!!