Author Topic: OCD  (Read 24206 times)


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« Reply #15 on: December 15, 2011, 12:42:06 AM »

Everyone has intrusive thoughts, it is how your respond to them that helps define if you have OCD or not. The fact that it scares the hell out of you, suggest that you do have traits.


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« Reply #16 on: December 17, 2011, 11:47:06 PM »
I'm not sure if anything I do could be classed as OCD or whether it is just anxiety, I suspect it's more likely to just be anxiety, mild anxiety at that
I make lists which must be followed strictly and checked, my most important ones are a list of things I must do when I get ready for school in the mornings, one for when I get home and one for when i'm getting ready for bed
I'd fall apart without them, i've been using lists for years
It seems so stupid from an outsider point of view that I have to have lists that say things like "Brush teeth" "Get dressed" "Deodorant" etc as if I would forget to do those things, but I genuinely think now that if I didn't have them I would forget something even something as obvious as that
I think it's because i'm so used to following the list from a piece of paper that it's not programmed into my brain like it is with other people, I genuinely can't understand how the rest of the world manage to do all this stuff without needing to think about it
I check the lists several times to check I haven't missed anything and no matter how behind time I may be, everything on the list has to be done. They bring order into my life, particularly the mornings which are usually stressful and rushed to get the bus to school
Those are my most important lists, but I have others such as one for things I have to put in my schoolbag, again I can't understand how other people manage to take everything they need by just thinking about it from the top of their head
The anxiety is a normal part of my life, I find it difficult to think of examples since I live with it every day, but the point during my day when i'm most anxious is usually when I go to get the bus in the mornings. I live a 2 minute walk away from my bus stop and usually leave the house 5 minutes before it leaves. I have never missed the bus in the mornings in my whole 5 years of high school/a levels yet it still stresses me out
I always walk up to the bus stop as fast as possible with my heart pounding, with thoughts running through my head about missing it even though I know I won't.
That's the frustrating part - I know I won't miss it, I know i'm on time, I know the driver won't decide to leave early, and I know that if I did miss it, nothing earth shattering would happen - I would just get the next bus at 11 and sign into school late, yet I can't get past the stress I feel

I don't even want to post this now but since I spent ten minutes on it, i'm too stubborn not to.


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« Reply #17 on: December 18, 2011, 11:45:36 AM »
I could have written that and I consider I have mild OCD, I try not to let it intrude into my life too much but even though my lists arent as detailed as yours I'd feel insecure without them as I'd be worrying I'd forget something;  I also leave ages before I have to for everything because I dont want to be late.
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« Reply #18 on: December 18, 2011, 05:26:05 PM »
I also leave ages before I have to for everything because I dont want to be late

Same here  :P at least both of us are able to be logical about our habits, like you reminding yourself "what's the worst that can happen?"


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« Reply #19 on: December 19, 2011, 02:07:56 PM »
oh timekeeping :(

this is such a big one for me, i was getting quite good at being "on time ish" but i have fallen back into old habits and being majorly early to everything!

im even worrying, right now, that i finish work at 5pm, takes 20 mins to get home, will i have time to go pick up my meds from the chemist (which i dropped in friday) and then get to my therapy session at 6pm! its probably the biggest thng that rules my life at the moment, i've always had it - just now i know i am doing it!


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« Reply #20 on: February 06, 2012, 07:39:58 PM »
I hadn't really given any thoughts to OCD's and I'm not really sure if this an OCD oe just a mental thing but I quite often ( several times a day for many years, when walking, when driving, when watching tv etc) I find I count for no reason. Not out loud but in my head. If I look at the clock for example I will for no reason count to 300 just to see if I can guess when it 5 mins later. If I get it wrong I will do again and again until I get it right. When driving I would see a marker ahead and guess how long it would take to get there. Many varying reasons but all counting and sometimes just counting from 1 until I forget I'm doing it. I also have to have notes in pocket all facing same way (queens head) and in order, 5's, 10's,20's etc and neatly folded in half. Old notes must go asap.


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« Reply #21 on: February 07, 2012, 05:19:22 PM »
I find I panic if there is even the slightest possibility I'll be late for something - which leads to going to new places beforehand and always leaving too early for appointments and then waiting for ages - which then feeds my anxiety when I'm sat in a waiting room full of people  ::) When I was driving I would always need to know where I could park - the hours I spent on google maps looking for car parks and planning it all out beforehand was ridiculous...

I also ruminate a lot over things that have happened - mostly with Peter. I spend hours upon hours doing it and it drives me up the wall. Its like I know the answers, I know I should put him out of my thoughts and life and that he is really not worth all the time I soend thinking about what happened - I don't want to be thinking about him, but I can't shake it. It really really gets me down because no mater how much I go over everything, the blame always comes back onto myself and then I start to feel so guilty and it just continues  "£"
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« Reply #22 on: February 07, 2012, 05:23:15 PM »
I find I panic if there is even the slightest possibility I'll be late for something - which leads to going to new places beforehand and always leaving too early for appointments and then waiting for ages - which then feeds my anxiety when I'm sat in a waiting room full of people  ::) When I was driving I would always need to know where I could park - the hours I spent on google maps looking for car parks and planning it all out beforehand

I could have written that Munchroom, I  also ruminate a lot, my counselling his time has helped but its often a struggle not to think about things, especially things I feel guilty about
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« Reply #23 on: February 07, 2012, 09:04:15 PM »
I too used to have to plan where to park, how many miles it was,how much it would cost and print a map with 3 alternative routes just in case. I thought it wasa normal an we all did it???

I don't drive now and after last week my son has the keys now cuz the way I drove I was lucky I didn't kill myself or someone else....idiot!!!


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« Reply #24 on: March 03, 2012, 08:11:41 AM »
I'm wondering if constantly counting things or doing something for a set period of time shows OCD tendencies?
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« Reply #25 on: March 03, 2012, 07:01:08 PM »
I have to have all my tins in the food cupboard the same way round, towels in the bathroom have to be just so, curtains have to be just so etc etc.

Scares me sometimes, but I just can't bear it if things are not right, I have to get up and put them right  :(.

S x
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« Reply #26 on: March 03, 2012, 10:45:51 PM »
Same here Shaz.... It drives Chris up the wall, especially if i have to 'correct' how he has just slung the curtains back.... ::)
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« Reply #27 on: March 04, 2012, 06:14:30 AM »
I think I'm guilty of that to a certain extent, especially with the curtains :(
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« Reply #28 on: March 04, 2012, 03:07:33 PM »
I drive Craig mad too  :).

S x
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« Reply #29 on: March 29, 2012, 01:39:00 AM »
I've justv read through this. Its quite normal for people to have obssesive traits (cant spell because I'm pissed). I don't think any of you appear to have a real OCD problem. OCD is actually a severe disorder that is at times completly disabling.

Some have you seem like you have traits, and I beleive if these traits are causing you anxiety, then they are quite treatable using the available techniques.

Does any one here suffer from intrusive thoughts?

Steve X