I've just been a good girl and had my sight tested.
For the test, insurance, frames and lenses it cost me £170 last time I had them checked.
I've just had my annual sight test and it cost me £165 for the test, insurance, 2 frames and 2 sets of complicated lenses!!
Every time the optician said "oh boy" or "how am I going to sort this out" quietly to himself, I added another £100 to last year's £170 bill and it was rapidly looking like it would be in the thousands which made me more and more anxious.
He then said that I would need "prism lenses" so that my eyes didn't keep wandering all over the place and giving me double vision.
I added on another £200 for that.
He then said that I'd need two sets of glasses - one for "everyday wear" and one for use on my laptop and reading and stuff.
In my head, the price immediately doubled.
By the end of the test I was wondering how I was going to afford the glasses, my carers and my groceries.
He then said that the cost was £170 and my jaw must have hit the floor 'cos he asked if that was OK.
When I explained that I was expecting the price to be comfortably into the thousands, he grinned and told me that it wasn't even close lol
Basically I've got 2 pairs of prism (aka complicated) glasses being made and posted to me for less than £200.
I was dreading the appointment 4 hours ago, but a weight has crumbled off me for another year now!