Author Topic: Waiting for catarracts removal saga  (Read 1238 times)


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Waiting for catarracts removal saga
« on: October 07, 2024, 07:02:15 PM »
About May time I had my annual eye test and was asked if I wanted to have a referral to get the catarract removed from my left eye which I agreed to as it's that bad.  Three months on I still hadn't heard anything so contacted the optician at Vision Express who told me the referral had been sent to my GP surgery.  Spoke to the receptionist who told me that they hadn't received it so got the referral from Vision Express to hand in. 

Last week I got a letter telling me to get an appointment with Spec Savers as they do the catarract referrals so I was steaming mad by this time.  Anyway I've been to an appointment there today and the optician has put in a referral in for both eyes as the right eye is bad enough now plus it makes sense to get both eyes dealt with on different days.

Now, hopefully, I'll only have to wait a month to get the first eye dealt with.


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Re: Waiting for catarracts removal saga
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2024, 07:11:23 AM »
I'm so sorry you've been put through all that Pip!  I hope things work out better and faster than they have up to now!
Money talks, chocolate sings!  :-D

May your life be as pleasant as you are.