Author Topic: *ahem*  (Read 2416 times)


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« on: August 16, 2024, 05:53:21 PM »
I'm sorry if you think I'm being big-headed with this post but I've just achieved something that I didn't have the foggiest clue about yesterday so I don't care if you think I don't deserve this moment of pride, just for once I'm going to let me be proud of myself and if you don't like it then you can stick it up your jumper.

On Monday I had a document that had been hanging around since January 2023 that needed to be laminated but I couldn't find anywhere that would do it and send the laminated document through the post for me.

Yesterday I bit the bullet and ordered my own personal laminator and the films that needed to go with it.

Had I ordered the right laminator?  The right films to go with it?  Would it be too complicated for me to use?  Would it disturb my neighbours because it was so loud?  Cause a fire because it got so hot?

It was delivered this afternoon, so I read the booklet cover to cover three times then made myself a preparatory creamy hot chocolate and read the instructions again.

It needed to be plugged into a wall socket as opposed to an extension lead and I didn't fancy risking putting it on the floor in the living room so I took it all upstairs and read the instructions again.

Plugged it in.

It didn't turn on.

I panicked.

Then I read the instructions again and realised that I hadn't turned the switch on the front of it on.

Flicked the switch.

It made a soft whirring sound.

I hadn't broken it already had I?

I sat down on the floor and followed the instructions to the letter.

I only realised when it was half way through that I'd turned it onto 80 (the cold lamination setting) instead of 125 (the hot lamination setting that the lamination sheets needed.

Too late to worry about it now!

It slowly came out of the back of the laminator and I was starting to feel a little bit more confident with each centimetre that came out.

Had I successfully researched, bought, set up an used something that I knew pretty much nothing about??

If it hanging up proudly in the kitchen is anything to go by then that's a very big yes!!

I'm sooo proud of myself right now and my good day has just got even better... I'm even willingly smiling at myself with utter pride too, which is an even rarer occurrence!

I'm gonna go and reward myself with a very creamy hot chocolate and for once I'm gonna bask in the glow that I'm not a technical dunce after all!


Money talks, chocolate sings!  :-D

May your life be as pleasant as you are.


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Re: *ahem*
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2024, 04:20:30 PM »
 :happy0158:  Well done, I can remember when we got our laminater and worrying that we would do something wrong.  You've found out that you are more than capable of doing something right  :excited:


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Re: *ahem*
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2024, 06:12:50 PM »
Thank you so much, Pip.  It's still hanging up on my whiteboard and hasn't come apart yet so maybe the 80 instead of 120 was right after all?
Money talks, chocolate sings!  :-D

May your life be as pleasant as you are.


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Re: *ahem*
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2024, 05:09:52 PM »