I've got pain in my knee in a very specific area (top left of my right kneecap that's maybe an inch from side to side) ever since being promoted to the sofa from the pouffe when Steve got his chair delivered. I don't think it's arthritis or muscle pain 'cos my knee was bent further than it currently is when I was sitting on the pouffe and I wasn't in pain then, but I am now.
Should I make an appointment with my GP or just keep downing the painkillers please? It doesn't hurt right now, but give it half an hour and it'll be back, then disappear again then return again. It comes and goes and I'm not too worried about it, but downing painkillers (just Sainsbury's own brand paracetamol) every day can't be healthy either, can it?
I know you're not doctors, but the course I did about depression awareness a few days ago (the pain began a couple of months ago rather than a few days) mentioned that pain was sometimes linked with depression, so I don't want to waste my GP's time if that's what it is, like I did with the lump on my lower back being a cyst as opposed to cancer.
The pain isn't the same as the jeuvenile arthritis I had as a child - it's more a dull thudding than sharp stabbing that I had 30-odd years ago, but I don't want to ignore it if it is something physical rather than the depression talking.
Is there anything (other than the paracetamol) that I can get from Amazon or Sainsbury's online I can try to ease it so that I don't have to take up an appointment when I don't really need it? Like with the coconut oil for low moods and B12 for energy, that won't damage my organs if I take it frequently for weeks or even months on end?
I know you're not doctors and can't give medical advice which is totally cool and groovy, I just need a "get thee to your GP" or a "nowt to worry about, try using XYZ to help with the pain" is all.
Should I maybe contact NHS Direct (or whatever they're called now lol) to see what they say?