Author Topic: I've just had me GP surgery on the phone  (Read 7713 times)


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I've just had me GP surgery on the phone
« on: July 22, 2016, 03:14:46 PM »
I had my smear a few weeks ago.

The nurse couldn't see the string on the coil so sent me for an ultrasound.

I had my ultrasound last week and they said my coil had slipped out of place.

I had someone on the phone at lunchtime saying they needed to see me with a female GP.

So I duly phoned up when they re-opened after lunch and made an appointment with my GP for 2nd August.

They've just called me back and said that I needed to see a female GP next week so I'm booked in for Tuesday 26th now and getting more and more anxious about it!

The smear didn't show up anything bad.  The ultrasound was fine, other than the coil being out of place so what could it be??

What couldn't have waited just one more week and why do I have to see a female GP instead of my usual GP?  Why does it have to be a double appointment too?  How long does it take for the GP to say "we need to get your coil put back in the right position", me to say "I have it done in hospital" and the doctor to say "OK, I'll refer you and you'll get a letter through the post with the appointment".

What's going on that they couldn't tell me over the phone?  The nurse who did my smear said that there was no link with ovarian cancer and liver/kidney cancer that my father died of, so what is it??
Money talks, chocolate sings!  :-D

May your life be as pleasant as you are.