Hello all
It seems that every day I have to endure the same things all the time. My mother is constantly repeating herself, her memory is terrible. Im so tired of having to remind her to do things all of the time, that I can barely remember myself. She takes procrastination and stating the obvious to a whole new level.
The carpet in the house needs replacing, and shes always going on about it. She unplugs the set top box to the TV all of the time, despite the fact i have told her countless times that its not necessary.
She tells me the same things all of the time, who's called, what happened 40+ years ago. I'm at my wits end. Nothing ever changes for the better, and I don't know what to do. I cannot open the garage door, its one of those Henderson up-and-over types and really needs fixing . It makes financial sense to stay here, but my emotional/mental state is totally shot.
There are books on an old coffee table that she never reads and says she needs to get rid of them , but they have been there for months and she's done nothing about it. These are just a few examples unfortunately. On top of all this I've had to go back on Escitalopram as i cannot cope any more, and if it gets any worse i may harm myself. I haven't worked for 3 years, I see nobody. I have nobody to confide in........As you can see it just goes on and on...