Author Topic: Cheeky cat!!!  (Read 4480 times)


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Cheeky cat!!!
« on: April 26, 2015, 07:07:10 PM »
I answered the door to our tea and a cheeky cat walked past my legs and into the house then up the stairs and jumped onto the bed in the main bedroom!

I shouted at the top of my lungs for it to get out of the house and it just ignored me and carried on as if this was it's home!  It's Mitzi's home, not the cat's!

Like Steve said, the police would have been called and they would have gone to the papers and sued us and stuff for not having control of a dog, but because it was a cat no-one thinks anything of it!!!

A dog taking over a house uninvited would cause all sorts of problems for not being under control and a dog pooing in public areas is against the law, but a cat?  Nothing wrong with them inviting themselves into a house and taking over!

*mutter, mumble*
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Re: Cheeky cat!!!
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2015, 08:01:26 PM »
Sounds like the first cat we had who was very embarrassing.  He was a ginger cat called Garfield but unlike his namesake he was slim.  Garfield would enter any open window and if any food was out he would tuck in.  The daft cat would also go for walks with us and the dog and made friends with all the dogs in the local park including those who didn't like cats.  One day Garfield decided to follow me to the local shops and two ladies were walking towards us.  One said to the other said "that's the cat I told you about who came into the kitchen and starting eating my spaghetti bolognaise when I popped into the lounge."

I coould have died of embarrassment and told her he was my cat then apologised.  She was laughing and told me that she had found it funny.


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Re: Cheeky cat!!!
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2015, 04:59:04 PM »
Yup, sounds like the cat who tried to take over Mitzi's house!  Garfield sounds like he was a really outgoing cat with oneheckuva lot of confidence!  lol
Money talks, chocolate sings!  :-D

May your life be as pleasant as you are.