I came off the meds (mirtazapine) at the end of October last and am still AD free. So far, so good. I'm not writing here to blow my own trumpet. I am writing hopefully highlight that there are good times as well as bad. If this brings a little hope to just one person, then great.
Life's not perfect, I am still suffering chronic pain and only get a decent night's sleep using painkillers. The mirt. was very good at knocking me out for the night, but was taking over in the daytime too, leaving me tired and lethargic - Since coming off it I have noticed a massive improvement in my energy levels and alertness. I have started a yoga class. I'm hoping that that will help to alleviate some of the symptoms/problems causing the pain and that ultimately I can ditch the painkillers too. Anxiety over the use of painkillers is also contributing to the insomnia but that's manageable. CBT helps for that.
In the short term I'm hoping that a session (or few) with the physio can help with the aches and pains to make it manageable with a few painkillers every now and then. Ultimately I hope that the yoga will give me sufficient strength and flexibility to be able to avoid the aches and pains, or reduce them. Then I can get back to the sport and exercise that I used to enjoy many years ago!
I am mindful of relapse, but again I think I now have the tools in the armoury to identify the early signs and nip them in the bud.
Take care and I hope that one day you too will feel better. It might not feel that way now - I used to think that way too