Author Topic: Hi...  (Read 1924 times)


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« on: August 18, 2013, 10:05:06 AM »
Hey guys I'm new here ^.^

I've decided to try and find some honest support from somewhere else, such as a forum, because I can't really turn to my family. I'm 20 and in the last couple of weeks my emotional stability has gone to pot, like a mini breakdown I guess. I work full time and am a carer for my mum around my work, and essentially fulfill the role of parent for the whole family, caring for our pets, organizing finance, peace keeper, etc. I don't want this role, but considering both my parents are irresponsible for themselves I've ended up with it.

At the age of 12, my mum had a nervous break down, was suicidal and her physical problems had gotten worse. Despite having a dad who was living with us and temporarily out of work, and fully able grandparents on both sides, the whole family had decided she was a liar (depression doesn't exist blah blah blah), which left me to help her and look after my younger brother. I was home educated at the time, although in reality I educated myself with a love for English written, read and verbal, and helped her function enough to stay out of a hospital. Me and my brother have had similar mental issues, difference is his are more extroverted, mine are internal, I'm a very secretive person when it comes to my hurt, so everyone's attitude has been to pile things on my plate instead when they can't cope. Oh she's always alright and sorts herself out, and so I'd see people around me get the help they needed whilst pretending I'm peachy.

I'm working hard to make a success of myself at work, and with my horse riding, but with anxiety issues on top of everything else, I drink vodka in the evenings and have taken things during the day to cope before, although I'm extremely conscious of driving under influence, since I ride a motorbike I'd rather suffer than touch anything till I'm home. But anyway last week this all came to a head, I was supposed to be having a day off at the weekend, my moods regularly swing within minutes/hours from happy/crying/hyper/angry apparently this never caught the attention of anyone before... I got an 'emergency' phone call from the stables from my brother, who turned out was fluffing out the truth when he said my mum was having problems with one of the horses, was in danger essentially.

So shaking, I geared up and rode off, sobbing and freaking out I managed to stall at a junction, then completely screw it up and drop the bike, and people just drove past whilst I yelled and screamed at the thing, picked it up, didn't even remember to check it wasn't damaged, and went off. The whole ride there I considered just drifting into oncoming traffic, and once in the country lanes I also considered just letting the bike plow into a corner rather than leaning through it. I almost parked up and went off somewhere to cry, which would have been the smart thing to do, but since there was an 'emergency' I was required for, I kept going.

My 'state' was pretty obvious when I got there, and finally my mum actually took the time to ask me and wait to find out that things weren't okay, I wasn't coping, and that the rest of the family would have to take some of their own responsibility back. Part of me was relieved that they were finally opening their eyes a little, but then again I still felt angry, thinking of the dozens of times I've quietly mentioned my issues with food (as far as I understand them I have an eating disorder), and other things and been treated as a faker by the same people I'd believed when other people had thought they were faking.

Ugh sorry about the length guys but hopefully things work out here ^.^ thanks for reading.


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Re: Hi...
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2013, 10:49:38 AM »
Hey Pandora, Welcome to the forums!! :)

Firstly, great job on coping as long as you have, I too feel like the glue that holds things together in my family and to an extent resent the role as I know its held me back in my progress in life. its not easy, and its not to be taken for granted that we can be strong for others and still be strong for ourselves. when I look at all I and my family have been through its a sign that I do have the strength to cope with the illness I have (severe depression). At times I just want to end my pain but the things I resent the most keep me here. I have a love hate relationship with my family, maybe hate is a bit strong but it definitely gets me down being in this role.

I too am not really supported with my depression and ive tried to forge my own support network through getting therapy and the 'right' medication. Joining the forum is the best support network ive had and im glad you have found it too! No doubt just getting things off your chest for the first time with likeminded people will have been a slight form of relief to you!?

You will find topics that could be a big help to you with your eating disorder and speaking to people who suffer the same. You will not be judged or misunderstood as we are all in this together, regardless of how alone we feel in our 'real' lives outside of the forums.

your safe here, to be and feel honest about what you go through. sharing and speaking to people about your issues/problems is a journey of discovery and at times it will seem hard, but its those times that mean your making progress. nothing worth having comes easy, and things tend to seem worse before they get better.

Again welcome to the family !!

”It’s always down to you and the choices you make. Work on the things you can change and never dwell on the things you can’t. You choose… ‘results’ or ‘excuses’ it’s always down to YOU… no one has ever given their BEST and regretted it. GO HARD NO EXCUSES.”


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Re: Hi...
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2013, 08:19:21 PM »
 :welcome: Pandora,

Sorry I didn't respond to you yesterday.  This is one of the problem with depression and families as they can and do dismiss it / wont or can't accept that a family member is suffering with it.  One of my nieces by marriage was anorexic in her teens and the family stuck their heads in the sand, dealt with it in their own way instead of getting proper medical advice.  Depression was at the root of it but they refused to acknowledge it.  Fortunately she was able to get through it and her now husband will talk about anything important affecting her.  Another niece by marriage has suffered with OCD for more years than I can remember but her husband, mother and father refuse to go to the doctor about it.  It is very extreme and her sons are now copying some of her behaviour. We find it very frustrating but nobody will listen to us.

I understand how you feel as I internalise things but for me it was a coping mechanism.  My mum never knew how bad my depression is, my dad still doesn't and my sister only found out a couple of years ago.  At the time I made it clear that I didn't want our dad to know how bad it is as he is elderly and I don't want him worrying about me.

You are more than welcome to rant here as we will all be able to empathise even if it's for different reasons.  Family are the people who should be supportive but often when it comes to depression it's 'outsiders' who are more helpful.


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Re: Hi...
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2013, 10:18:35 PM »
Thank you guys  :smile: It's at least something to be able to be totally honest about it, families definitely do have a habit of keeping everything 'under the carpet'.

I definitely get what you mean about the people/things you resent most end up keeping you here, I hadn't really thought of that, but it's true.

Think I'll have to hunt round and find some topics to jump in about eating disorders so thanks for the heads up that they're around, I've heard from quite a few people that they have the same problem, in the sense that they're not morbidly obese or a walking skeleton, so no one notices!

It's such a relief to be able to air it a bit and not have judgement thrown at me, and it's easier not to get embarrassed about it with the somewhat anonymity that we have here. At the moment I mostly talk to my pets lol but I'm sure other people do the same.


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Re: Hi...
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2013, 10:48:53 PM »
'under the carpet is right' my father shrugs my illness off and judges me as being lazy and worthless when its not the case, he even lies to other family members because he is embarrassed by me. others in my family are not as bad but quite similar.

You could even start your own topic. don't feel any way if you don't get a response right away, you will in time. Have a look though you might see some similarities with what your experiencing.

lol I completely get you about talking to your pets, sometimes mine is my shrink but he never knows what to say , just licks me, which is nice lol

I hope your not coping too badly today ! we here to support and listen to eachother, share our experiences and feelings and help each other where we can.

I hope you find it as helpful as a lot of us do!
”It’s always down to you and the choices you make. Work on the things you can change and never dwell on the things you can’t. You choose… ‘results’ or ‘excuses’ it’s always down to YOU… no one has ever given their BEST and regretted it. GO HARD NO EXCUSES.”


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Re: Hi...
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2013, 12:02:37 PM »
hi Pandora
wecome to the forums.
there are lots of people around who dont think depression is an illness, there are often no outward indication there is anything wrong, but as people with depression know it can be as cripeling as any other major desease, with the lack of interest in things that you once enjoyed doing.

having bed experiances in younger child times only compound the issue.

having a support worker is very helpful, and as you will find here on the forums there are lots of people who will offer advice ant try to help.
Without Love we are just a handfull of chemicals suspended in water


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Re: Hi...
« Reply #6 on: August 20, 2013, 10:49:39 PM »
Definitely times like these that you find out who your real friends are, my mum is making me feel unwelcome at home, (I left at 7am for work this morning, just walked in the door at 10pm) and I finally forced myself to take up the offer a friend has been nagging me to do for ages.

Basically friends with the whole family, and it's nice, I don't feel like I can tell them details or just how bad it is because I find it hard to share lol, but even being made to feel welcome and plied with plenty of tea is nice  :hug:

I will have a hunt round especially with regards to ED, if there's nothing up I'll have to get round to starting a post of my own.