Author Topic: Hello  (Read 1652 times)


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« on: June 21, 2013, 06:52:11 PM »
Hi everyone and thanks to whoever reads this.

I feel such utter despair every day. In a nutshell I was anorexic and two years after being discharged from hospital I have now developed bulimia.

There is no middle ground for me, I always swing from one extreme to the other.

On the face of it I have everything to live for: a beautiful 8 ur old girl and a supportive husband but its not enough. I don't find enjoyment in anything and haven't done so for years. I'm on a bucket load of meds but just want out, out, out
I go to bed every night and hope to goodness I never wake up. Sadly I do.

Thank you for reading my misery

Hugs to you all that need one


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Re: Hello
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2013, 09:03:20 PM »
Hi Irec, welcome to the forums.
Im sure you will find plenty of support here, in one way or another we all understand depression and how it impacts on our lives.

A combination of meds is nothing unusual, and the way our body reacts with them can be very different for different people, I would suggest having a chat to your doc, maybe a tweaking of your meds will help.
Also, do you see a councilor? Your doc could refer you to one, or you could google MIND, they are a very good organization.
Without Love we are just a handfull of chemicals suspended in water


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Re: Hello
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2013, 09:24:08 PM »
Welcome  :chin: ,

You will get support here as we all suffer with different types of depression and some of us have other health problems.