I am a self Confessed Cat Lady, my first was a tiny kitten, black, rescued from a Cortina Car Headlight fixture at the back, a small terrified scrap that had been in the engine compartment of the car, that was driven three miles to our house, so my dad could work on the car.
I fell in love, instantly and called this bundle Tina, who of course turned into a HUGE black cat, and had to be a male , still nobody sniggered at his girlie name, he would face down dogs , and my dad always said he was part Panther.
My favorite cat was Britney a rescue cat, who was also black , small dainty and all girl, who was my Sons best buddy, she would lie on his back while he played on his X box for hours, and keep him company while he was growing up.
She died a few years ago, and is buried in the back garden. I still miss her.
We have Dinky now, AKA Deaths Kitten , who is daft, and a gray tabby, cute, and sleeps whenever she gets the chance, and loves Dreamies, hates the hoover, and enjoys beating up her stuffed Rat so she can stand on its head after a good Mauling and tell the world her already dead stuffed Calico Rat has been Subdued by Her! , she then struts into the kitchen and paws at the cupboard where her treats are, Mauling Stuffed Rats is a dangerous business and deserves rewarding!. ga0011