What do you have to do do to get work?????? I'm not asking for much, enough money to keep the wolf from the door and run the car. Supply teaching has dried up to next to nothing - I have worked for a month!!! I got turned down today for a teaching assistant job, a job I could do standing on my head. It makes me so mad - every job gets turned down in the same mealy mouthed way "on this occasion you were unsuccessful." "Why?" "We took on somebody with more experience, more relevant experience....etc. etc etc."
I've got two degrees, I'm a qualified teacher, experienced at teaching adults and children and I even got turned down by asda!!!
I feel like turning up at that school and slitting my wrist in front of them with the words "what do you want, fxxxxxx blood?" Bxxxxxxxxds!!
I want to teach adults or assess NVQs but every advert I see states they are looking for experience...... how do I get that experience?
I have a lot to give but no one seems to want to take me on........ ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHhhhhhh!
Rant over.