I'm realising things more and more- its been really getting my down for the past two years now, I've always had trouble with my mum thats what I was pretty much known for at school. If I see anyone from my past they always ask ''hows things with your mum''
Its all mind games with her... If you stand up for yourself she'll say ''I'm stressed now, you've ruined my weekend'' when all I've simply done is tell her shes in the wrong and explain why and its always the same ''You live in MY house! You go by MY rules and if you dont like it then you know where the door is'' but she knows I have nowhere to flippin go!! She also uses the ''Well, I was actually going to let you have your boyfriend round but now you've stressed me out, he cant!'' If i knew this I would have bothered sticking up for myself, I would have kept my mouth shut, noded, and got on with things.
I agreed that my boyfriend was only allowed to come down every other weekend....now its turned into once everyother weekend and once every weekend that she decides is best for her... Its so embarrassing, I'm 21 years old... she knows I have to go along with everything she says, and if I dont, she will use him against me.
She will say one thing... then change it... i'd correct her and she goes off on one. Its the same old same old... I always know whats going to happen next because its been going on for ages.
I always get told that I was a horrible child in school.. I was like any other teenagers, a bit moody haha and I had a boyfriend which lasted 6 years but we werent meant to be together, we both grew up and got on, he didnt like her at all and my boyfriend now isnt her biggest fan at all. He doesnt understand how her mind works.
Anyway in school, of course I was a typical teen who thought me and my boyfriend were going to be together forever and my world revolved around him...which wasnt so great for my GCSE's...big mistake but I've learnt from it. There were times where my mum didnt want me near him, she kept me off school for 2 months, locked me in the house, took my mobile, the internet and the house phone so i couldnt have any contact with anybody. This happened on a number of occasions, I remember going through my money pot running up to the phone box with loads of 20ps to ring a friend to tell them what was going on.
I remember her being in a bad mood, probably from something I said, and she got me to the floor and ripped my school jumper off me.
I become pregnant at the age of 18, she kicked me out, so i stayed living with my boyfriend who i was with at the time. I ended up having a miscarradge very early on in the pregnancy which i told my mum, she never once got incontact with me when I had to go to my appointment for a scan at the hospital or just to see if I was ok. All she was concerned about was how stressed she was that this was going on and how it would affect her work.
Shes not one to consider other peoples feelings apart from hers.
I cant find a way of getting my point across anymore because shes got me in that state where I just cant do it, its almost like I'm trained not to because if I do it'll be ''Ohhhh grow up'' or ''You live in my house!!''
I hadnt changed my address when I ended up having to live with my ex boyfriend but I thought if anything important comes through she will let me know. I was on my way to my part time job and my bank card got swollowed...i didnt have a clue why!! My boss ended up picking me up and taking me to work. I text my mum and she told me that she opened my letters and knew that I had to contact my bank...but she didnt tell me...and her excuse was- its your responsability...yes it is however if your going to open my post and if its important that you should tell me. I was also really struggling to get a full time job at the time...I went to pick up a few things from "her house" and there were 3 messages from companies asking me to go for an interview, my heart sank and when i confronted her about it she didnt care! She just did her usual thing, smirked and said she must have forgot.
If I'm sounding really petty, please let me know, its little things that have gone on for years now... And theres only so much I can take.