Author Topic: Tomorrow is a new day.  (Read 6260 times)


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Tomorrow is a new day.
« on: July 08, 2012, 01:06:34 PM »
I have been dealing with a very strong and long depression together with some signs of personality disorders and didn't feel as if I deserved a place in this world. I really wanted to kill myself and also attempted to do so more than once. I was seeing life in big chunks and I could not get a grasps of the idea that things could get better. But aiming for that shiny end of the rainbow far away was my mistake. So I started thinking that after each moment comes a new moment and not two moments are the same. When I started doing this, I was able to enjoy not just the few times I felt good and loved, but even some of the sorrows. Because I knew that soon it would be a new moment. And when I keep telling myself this, I know that I don't know what the future brings. I have hopes, dreams and work towards their realisations. But I don't know. So enjoy each moment and when it weakens you and you feel as giving up, remember another moment is just a moment away. And you don't know what it brings.

Today I am strong, content, I feel loved and I love many even myself. So here's some things which really helped me and I hope that they might help some of you:

-For better self-esteem, try helping others, doing good deeds and make other people smile. This is of great value to people and you will be of great value to the world.

-Connect with people. Use eye contact. Open up. Listen. Ask. Share.

-When dealing with a huge secret, disease or a suicidal plan, choose one person you really trust. Ask them if you can tell them. Make it clear that you are telling them because you want to get better and when the secrets or suicidal plans are at their worse, think of this person and know that he or she is there for you and know about you.

-Don't try to change your feelings. Work on you think pattern. And if you're sad, allow yourself to be sad. Not self-hating, not angry, not hopeless. Don't try to replace the feeling with other negative feelings.

-Stay healthy. Don't drink or do drugs. And  go for walks in parks, by the seaside or so on.

Best of luck!
« Last Edit: July 08, 2012, 05:38:46 PM by sundayrose »


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Re: Tomorrow is a new day.
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2012, 02:48:01 AM »
I can totally relate to your taking one day at a time. I currently write a journal of my recovery which consisits of writing three pages of unconscious writing onto the page to really ensure that it comes from the present and is really genuine
"So what is this journey  about ?  It is about awareness and observation. Recognising what is happening now. Letting what is happening pass into the past. As soon as the present is recognised it has become the past"
It is about awareness and observation. Recognising what is happening now. Letting what is happening pass into the past. As soon as the present is recognised it has become the past.
 I have no idea how today will be. I only know that the days do actually pass quite quickly. I thought of an image that I see on my phone when I save an email; it is an image of a piece of paper fluttering as it floats into the saved folder. The days do seem to go quickly and they build up into a bank of saved days. As soon as they are in that bank, the information in them is filed into a place called memory. Memory is never accurate and this is why it is necessary to write this stream of the unconscious onto the page each day to record what is happening in the mind and to see how the process is working. I notice that with each day that I write (the daily writing is always written in longhand first) my handwriting becomes more firm and more legible. I think that this is indicative of a better belief in what I am doing. The first few weeks saw illegible handwriting as if I wanted to rush it and keep it illegible because I was ashamed of it. Maybe I am beginning to trust myself.