I am Bipolar. My GP told me that this was what she thought but it had to be confirmed by a psychiatrist. I was lucky in that my GP phoned for an appointment there and then and I saw the psychiatrist 2 days later, this was 4 months ago, so I'm quite new to this although I've battled for years.
As far as mood stabilisers go, I don't take Lithium instead I take Lamotrigine. This is partly as it has fewer side effects and partly that I get mixed episode and also dysphoric highs rather than the typical euphoric ones.
Lamotrigine has a very slow titration rate due to the risk of developing a life threatening rash, I only got to 200mg about 1 month ago and I think that this will be increased further at some point. I do find it very beneficial, yes I'm not right yet but I am an awful lot better than I was.
Side effect wise, I've had none, unlike anti depressants, when I briefly took them, that made me feel awful.
I can't take anti d's they tend to flip me into a manic state.
Anyway good luck.