Author Topic: Temazepam  (Read 5195 times)


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« on: December 30, 2011, 12:04:53 AM »
How do you get on with temazepam? I had 40mg about an hour and a half ago, had about 15 mins mild euphoria (usually results in me coming out of social withdrawal and texting people I've been ignoring). Now just feel the same as before - pretty low - but without obsessing about what's getting at me at the moment. I do wonder how helpful anti-anxiety mess are. I have lorazepam sometimes as well but find it tends to make me overactive. I think I became resistant to diazepam a few years ago (been on and off it for about ten years now).
Also with any of these benzodiazepines I tend to crave sugary/fatty foods after a while, which has the result of diminishing the drugs' effects.
I would just love a healthy amount of sleep and to find the motivation when i wake up to start climbing the mountain of stuff that needs to get done. Chiefly a dissertation due in in 3 weeks :-/


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Re: Temazepam
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2011, 08:09:51 AM »
Sorry Stew, I have no experience of it, someone else here may have
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Re: Temazepam
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2012, 02:00:50 PM »
I have taken temazepam, diazapam etc.

Pretty much every prescription sleeping tablet.

As you've said, sooner or later, you become adapted to it, and it no longer produces its effects. Also, like alcohol, benzos will knock you out so that you fall asleep easiliy, but the quality of sleep you get is not great.

The best thing to do for sleep (I believe) is to get into a routine of good 'sleep hygiene.' Which is more boring and less instant than taking drugs but lets you build a solid foundation.

Myself, I currently avoid caffeine, limit artificial lighting and 'wind down' at the end of the day by listening to Classic FM in a dark room (no light night TV)! before getting in bed. This tells my brain that it's night time.

Hopefully, in a few weeks time, I'll get some benefit!