Hey guys. Basically I'm 21 and haven't been so low as I am now since I was 15/16 when I got very depressed, quite probably due to my Dads depression rubbing off on me a bit, and also I think it's hereditary as my Nana killed herself when I was 7. I feel low very easily. But since coming to uni I've been, generally, a lot happier. Around exam period I always get stressed, and exams are coming up in May. But this is a little early to be related to exams for me. I've had money stresses over the last couple of months. And a close, but new (about a year) friend has always seem to have something going wrong. I love her but she's always upset about something. I think she has depression to be honest, she has self harmed before (I've not, but considered a few times), but she won't help herself by talking to doctors or anything. It stresses me out a lot. When I was 16 the doctor put me on Prozac, but that scared me cos my dad was much more depresses than I was (or so I assumed) and was on anti-depressants, so I went to a therapist for about 2 years and I was much better. I wanted CBT, but the waiting list was so long it wasn't worth it for me. I've been to the doctors now, (in the city im at uni), and first I was offered an anti-depressant to help me get through exams, then when I went back to see another doctor who said she'd rather not do that. She gave me a number for a local therapist, and gave me an "old fashioned" anti-depressant on a very low dose, but primarily for the side effect of drowsiness as I sleep SO badly, and have incredibly bad nightmares. So im taking that right now, but feeling lower and lower. Trying to keep away from people as I can't pretend I'm ok any more. My friend mentioned earlier, she tweeted last night " When u clock how self-centred and uncaring a friend.... A 'CLOSE' friend... I really never thought I'd say it about this person". This has really knocked me down further as I have never felt successful or good at anything, other than being a good friend. So now it's like I have nothing to hold on to anymore.
This was a very long first post, maybe should have saved some for another thread, but I just needed to say it somewhere as I can't tell anyone. Thanks for giving me the space to talk, already :)