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The Lounge / Re: Members birthdays
« Last post by Pip on May 31, 2024, 02:30:11 PM »
:bday1: FairyGirl and lemsips
Christian / Re: Devotions
« Last post by Pip on May 31, 2024, 02:22:55 PM »

The Closeness We Crave
August 4, 2023
by Lynn Cowell

“My heart says of you, 'Seek his face!' Your face, LORD, I will seek.” Psalm 27:8 (NIV)

As you look at your journey with Jesus, are you sometimes bothered by the inconsistent intimacy you feel?

In my day-to-day walk with Jesus, I wonder why sometimes there seems to be a block in my relationship with Him or times when we don’t seem as close. If I slow down and ponder why that might be, I see that seasons of busyness, grieving, choices not to obey His nudges, or even numbness in my heart have all impacted my relationship with Him at times.  While it is normal to have a relationship that is dynamic and looks different from day to day, I don’t want to pull away from Jesus with each new obstacle in my life or have a faith that disintegrates when I need it most.  So I’ve been seeking the Lord through His Word, and I’ve found hope in the life of the not-so-perfect disciple Peter.  In Matthew 16, Jesus asked His disciples a question: “‘Who do you say I am?’ Simon Peter answered, ‘You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God’” (Matthew 16:15b-16, NIV).

Jesus confirmed to Peter that he was right; this revelation was straight from God Himself (Matthew 16:17)! This interaction must have made Peter feel closer than ever with Jesus.  But later, Jesus was preparing His disciples for His death and resurrection, revealing that He would suffer, die, and be raised again on the third day. This time, Peter completely missed the truth. “Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. ‘Never, Lord!’ he said. ‘This shall never happen to you!’” (Matthew 16:22, NIV).

In fact, Peter was actually the one who needed rebuking. Jesus said to him, “You do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns” (Matthew 16:23b, NIV).

I can only imagine how Peter felt after his big mistake.  Even though Jesus was physically present with him, Peter still experienced an up-and-down relationship with his Savior. Though Jesus was constant, Peter was not.  Peter’s perception of Jesus ebbed and flowed sometimes he had an accurate picture of the Savior, and other times he lacked discernment yet Jesus’ pursuit of Peter never waned. Because of His great love for Peter, Jesus kept coming after him. Because of Jesus’ constancy, their relationship continued to deepen despite the hard and trying times, even surviving Peter’s betrayal of Jesus when He went to the cross (Luke 22:54-62).  As Peter continued walking with Jesus day by day, eventually his faith matured. In the letters he wrote to the early Church (1 and 2 Peter), we see a mature disciple a man who no longer strayed so often from his Savior.  Jesus desires intimacy with each of us each day. We can pursue that intimacy by doing as Psalm 27:8 says: “‘Seek his face!’ Your face, LORD, I will seek.”

As God is consistent in His pursuit of us, our return of that pursuit, developing constancy in our lives, brings us to spiritual maturity.  When I am not experiencing the closeness of Jesus that I desire, it sometimes helps to ask myself a few questions:

    Am I treating Bible reading and prayer like boxes I am simply checking each day?
    Am I intentionally listening for God's voice and responding back to Him?

Asking questions like these can help us as we look for the abundant life Jesus promises and wants for us. In pursuing God as He pursues us, we can live out the words of James 4:8a: “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you” (ESV).
The Lounge / Re: Members birthdays
« Last post by Amanda_George on May 31, 2024, 02:00:17 PM »
Another couple of birthday bods on the forum today!

Happy birthday to FairyGirl and also to lemsips

Wallis Simpson was a 'Queen Dictator' who never loved Edward and taunted him about Prince Charles in his dying days, their butler claims in unearthed memoir as unseen photo of the former King in royal robes is revealed

    Unpublished memoirs of Alan Fisher who died in 2006 are up for auction
    READ MORE:  Threats to Mrs Simpson's life that pushed Edward to abdicate

By Siofra Brennan

Published: 11:35, 30 May 2024 | Updated: 13:25, 30 May 2024

American socialite Wallis Simpson is dubbed a 'Queen Dictator' who never loved Edward in newly-discovered memoirs by the Duke and Duchess of Windsor's former butler.  The unpublished memoirs of Alan Fisher, a man from the slums of Manchester who rose to become one of the most sought after butlers in the world, are going under the hammer.  They will be offered at Rare Books Auctions, Bishton Hall, Staffordshire, on June 4 guided at £3,000 - £5,000.  The lot includes a never-before-seen photo of Edward in royal robes, as if dressing up as a king, with Wallis at his side, and an equestrian portrait given to the butler, who died in 2006, by his royal employer.  The memoirs lift the lid on high society courtesy of a man who served royalty, the rich and famous.  As well the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, Alan worked for Bing Crosby for 17 years, Ralph Lauren and Robert Lehman of Lehman Brothers. Alan's last formal engagement in the 1980s was butler for Charles and Diane, the Prince and Princess of Wales.  Alan famously said: 'The perfect butler sees all, hears all and tells nothing'.

He lived this definition until his death in 2006. But in the late '70s he put pen to paper to record memories of his six years, serving the Duke and Duchess of Windsor at their home in Bois de Boulogne, France.  From 1954, Alan and his wife Norma, maid to the Duchess of Windsor, resided on site in 'The Cottage'.  Alan wrote: 'The Duchess taught me everything I know - twice over. She had impeccable taste, was impeccable in the way she dressed and lived her life. I was very aware that I was living a part of history.  It was a great thrill they lived on a scale that far surpassed the Royal Family's. When you have worked for the Duke and Duchess of Windsor you're not going to impress me if you're Rock Hudson or Carol Burnett.'

However, he found the Duchess difficult and ruthless and on one occasion told her to 'stick her job'. He also believed she never loved Edward. The king abdicated the British throne in 1936 to marry her, sparking a constitutional crisis.  Alan wrote: 'He was in love with her to hundred percent of the time. She was in no way in love with him. So many of her actions spelt it out so violently. Of course she had a façade she kept up publicly.  There must have been many moments in both their lives when she looked at him and thought of all that might have been. It must have made her extremely bitter.'

Alan's memoirs reveal he heard the Duchess of Windsor before he met her and that she would never have been happy with being 'Queen Consort', claiming 'Queen Dictator' suited her better.  He also noted that she continued to host dinner parties while her husband was dying.  During the Duchess's first visit, a guest remarked, 'There's forty people in there and there's only one bloody voice you can hear hers!'

He also reveals being told, 'Alan, Her Royal Highness wants you to get a haircut immediately.'

Consequently, he felt 'very insecure and extremely nervous at the thought of our first face-to-face confrontation'.

He described the moment vividly: 'Next, the sound of the high heel on the cold marble slowly descending. She moved towards me.  My heart was really in my mouth. Finally the candlelight caught the flash of diamonds, of which there were plenty.  There was a warm smile and an outstretched hand. The utter surprise of the deep deep violet of the eyes, the voice thanking me for joining the household and hoping I would be very happy with them.  This is 1954 and it may have been her halcyon days. Clothes were at their most attractive. Dior was alive, Balenciaga, Givenchy all the great houses of haute couture helped keep her at the pinnacle of fashion.'

Of the Duke, he wrote: 'As he was Royal and I was British, I never felt annoyed.  His blond gold hair, his turquoise eyes all seemed to blend in with his Joseph's outfits of many colours and many there were.  After being a footman for two years in Paris, the Duke asked me to be his valet I liked the Duke enormously.'

Describing his near-resignation, Alan recounts the night on which some windows hadn't been secured, [the Duchess said] 'You know, Alan, if you don't want this job, there are plenty of people who would really like it'.  That was all I needed. I flung the silver onto the the chair she was sitting on along with the gloves I was wearing. I said, "Your Royal Highness, you can stick your job. I don't need this kind of nonsense from you or anyone else. Jobs are not that hard to come by. Thank you".

'I do not have total recall, but as my anger and words were so short, I've never forgotten them.'

She screamed, "Go to bed. Go to bed. You're tired. You're obviously tired". My last words were, "Yes, Your Royal Highness. Please remember, I may be tired, but I'm not drunk", and away I went.  I realised I'd burnt my boats behind me, and I was really very sad. It had all come to an end even before it began, but I told myself that I couldn't have let her dominate my life especially when one was working at full tilt. We were not playing around out there. It was work with a capital W.'

The following morning, the Duke had a meeting with Alan and suggested he was feeling 'unwell' during this 'uncontrollable outburst', to which Alan said, 'Your Royal Highness, no one can work as hard as we do and take that kind of an upbraiding at that hour unless they're completely mad or incapable of finding another job. I am neither'

The matter was amicably resolved: 'From that day to the day I left some fourteen months later, she never once crossed swords with me.  No one had a more fertile mind than the Duchess. Her wit was remarkable.  We'd both won really. I wanted to continue working there. She wanted me there.'

On the subject of the Windsors' relationship, Alan wrote: 'She knew how weak he was, and it must have often struck her with a more dominant man, might the crown of England sat on her brow?  She would never have settled for being the Queen Consort. I think Queen Dictator would have been nearer her title. Don't for a brief moment, kids, ever believe she would not have been capable of it.   She could be ruthless, and with the assurance she was Queen of England until the day she died, it would have given her all the assurance she needed.'

Alan also revealed: 'I found out later that even though the Duke was dying of cancer of the throat, and it must not have been pleasant.  Almost to the end the Duchess continued giving dinners when she should have been looking after the poor Duke, making his last moments as happy as she could so easily have done. It took so little to please him. Certainly any small gesture from the Duchess was all important to him.  One night, two or three evenings before he actually died, he asked Sidney to call the Duchess. She was giving a dinner for twelve that evening. In she came, going on about her new dress. Did he like it. Had he noticed it, etc.  Senility slowly took hold.  She said how she liked Prince Charles. She said, "I heard from him some time ago. He wants to come and stay. I suppose I'll have to gather some young people for him".  I feel confident that Prince Charles had never written asking her to stay. The whole thing was a figment of her imagination. Why, I'll never figure out.'

Another extract details the difficulty of dressing the Duke in a hurry: 'That was when the s*** hit the fan.  He knew he was late, and it would be murder trying to fasten his shirt, keep him still long enough so you could tie his bow tie, get his trousers on, his shoes and socks, and to add to the comedy, one always laid summer evening socks on one arm of the chair and winter socks on the other arm of the chair, and he would choose accordingly to how he felt - warm or cold.  But in the rush, he would constantly take one winter and one summer sock, and he'd look down and say, "Alan, you've given me odd socks". Finally you'd get him dressed and on his way, leaving you as limp as if you'd been in World War III. The worst thing to me was the Duke should decide to wear his kilt.'

Jim Spencer, director of Rare Book Auctions, said: 'This is an extraordinary and immensely readable work. Every line is quotable. Reading through it, I get a crystal sense of this utterly private little world. I can smell the bottles of burning perfume; I can see the ivory and gold swizzle-sticks stirring up the champagne bubbles; I can hear the Duchess's heels on the cold marble.  It's written with such humour and humanity that it must surely appeal to a publisher. It's not quite Jeeves and Wooster, but there's certainly a feeling of the quiet dignity, intelligence and tact that comes from someone who is ostensibly a servile valet. As Alan himself says in these memoirs, 'You didn't care how idiotic you appeared if it saved the day'.'

The manuscript, comes to auction through family descent. Siblings Georgina Edwards and David Summers, from Kenilworth, Warwickshire, stated: 'Alan and Norma Fisher were our uncle and aunt.  We inherited the manuscript and memorabilia following their passing. We had all grown up hearing stories regarding their life in service and have been lucky enough to visit many royal palaces and celebrity homes because of this connection.  We believe Alan was in advanced negotiations with a US television company to make a series out of his memoirs. Included in the papers is an envelope from The Konigsberg Company, part of 20th Century Fox.  I suspect Alan knew Frank Konigsberg through Bing Crosby. Bing encouraged Alan to share his memoirs of his time with the Duke of Windsor for historical purposes. Konigsberg was one of Hollywood's biggest talent management agents.  We do not wish to keep the manuscript and picture (equestrian portrait of Edward) simply stored away in a box at home in Kenilworth (Warwickshire). It would be far better for someone to own and appreciate them, and for the story of Alan and Norma's time with the Duke and Duchess of Windsor to be passed on.'

Lot 140 details: Alan Fisher's manuscript notes and typed draft recording his time spent serving the Duke of Windsor [Edward VIII, 1894-1972] and Duchess of Windsor [Wallis Simpson, 1896-1986] together with a colour-printed equestrian portrait of Edward as Prince of Wales [after Sir Alfred J. Munnings, the original of which was in the French villa, and a copy of which sits above the fireplace in Queen Mary's Dolls' House], signed and inscribed at the lower margin, 'To Alan Fisher, Christmas 1956, Edward, Duke of Windsor'.

Auction: June 4, 2024, Rare Book Auctions - Hansons Auctioneers, Bishton Hall, Staffordshire.

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Captions | Credit: Rare Book Auctions/Hansons - unless otherwise specified - please refer to captions on images which include:

Alan Fisher's royal memorabilia, memoirs and images.

Norma and Alan Fisher in their retirement years.

Unseen picture of Edward, Duke of Windsor, dressed as a king in royal robes, a role he gave up to marry the Duchess of Windsor who is by side.

Works on paper expert Jim Spencer with the manuscript and an equestrian portrait of Edward which the royal gave to Alan Fisher.

Equestrian portrait of Edward as Prince of Wales, inscribed at the lower margin, 'To Alan Fisher, Christmas 1956, Edward, Duke of Windsor'.

Alan Fisher memorabilia relating to the royal family including his invitation to the funeral of the Duchess of Windsor.

The Queen Mother c.1950 with daughters Margaret and Elizabeth, Prince Philip, King George VI and grandchildren Prince Charles and Princess Anne.

Alan Fisher's typed memoirs.

Alan's handwritten memories and notes.

Editor's notes:

l Hansons Auctioneers was launched by Derbyshire-born Charles Hanson in 2005. He is known for appearances on TV shows such as Bargain Hunt and Celebrity Antiques Road Trip.

l Hansons' headquarters: The Auction Centre, Heage Lane, Etwall, Derbyshire, DE65 6LS.

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The Lounge / Re: Members birthdays
« Last post by Pip on May 30, 2024, 04:24:34 PM »
Belated Happy Birthday MichaelAlone and stewart and Happy Birthday Bexwa!
The Lounge / Re: Members birthdays
« Last post by Amanda_George on May 30, 2024, 10:25:34 AM »
It's your turn to celebrate today, Bexwa!
One Step At A Time / Re: fighting depression and getting back in shape
« Last post by Amanda_George on May 29, 2024, 04:39:59 PM »
They've got competition on their hands with your incredible animations!
One Step At A Time / I'm not sure if...
« Last post by Amanda_George on May 29, 2024, 04:37:45 PM »'s the Rescue Remedy gummy that I popped before 5am today or if I'm channelling my late hubby from over in Summerland or if I've done something to please Gaia, but I'm having a really good day today, made even better by being able to come back online for the first time in pretty much 36 hours after the lead on my laptop's charger thing went splat yesterday.  I didn't have a clue what I was looking for, I just typed my laptop's make into Amazon and kept my fingers crossed.

It arrived about an hour ago and it's worked first time amazingly!

Whoever or whatever has been working for me for the last 36 hours has my eternal gratitude!
The Lounge / Re: Members birthdays
« Last post by Amanda_George on May 29, 2024, 04:16:39 PM »
Please join me in helping MichaelAlone and stewart to celebrate their birthdays today!   :excited:
One Step At A Time / Re: fighting depression and getting back in shape
« Last post by jali on May 29, 2024, 01:59:01 PM »
Oooh!  That's really good Jali!

thanks, the original video is funny too
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