Author Topic: My New Years resolution: who's with me?  (Read 53006 times)


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Re: My New Years resolution: who's with me?
« Reply #45 on: February 19, 2019, 01:05:11 PM »
Yesterday, I let myself down a bit by having a cream victoria sponge  :angel: but it did have a slice of fresh strawberry on the top and it was nice to have a treat.  In the evening I had beef curry and I made sure I drank plenty during the day.

Today I haven't eaten which is bad and only had one coffee so far but that's more to do with Rick ringing me so much will he was out and I was trying to catch up on things I've been meaning to do.  My mood isn't helping as when it's this bad I don't feel hungry.  I will probably grab something so as I'm volunteering and need to go to the post office so when I do that I can get a snack.  Tonight at some point I will do myself a fresh fruit and / or veg smoothie as they're always great when I don't feel hungry or when I'm ill.  It's stress causing the problem with my mood but I know this can be sorted with time.  I am thinking about having a telephone appointment with my GP though plus I have got to have a repeat blood test done.  I'm a bit wary of f2f appointments due to being told I had a heart murmur recently.  It's only because I am stressed and I don't want to worry about stress prolonging this, the murmur in itself isn't anything to worry about.  You know, that vicious circle that I don't want to get into  :biggrin: .


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Re: My New Years resolution: who's with me?
« Reply #46 on: February 19, 2019, 01:08:21 PM »
Forgot to mention I start my swim in three days time and realised I actually have about four months to do it in so that's taken even more pressure off.  Getting fitter is an added bonus.


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Re: My New Years resolution: who's with me?
« Reply #47 on: February 19, 2019, 01:34:46 PM »
Yesterday, I let myself down a bit by having a cream victoria sponge  :angel: but it did have a slice of fresh strawberry on the top and it was nice to have a treat.  In the evening I had beef curry and I made sure I drank plenty during the day.

Today I haven't eaten which is bad and only had one coffee so far but that's more to do with Rick ringing me so much will he was out and I was trying to catch up on things I've been meaning to do.  My mood isn't helping as when it's this bad I don't feel hungry.  I will probably grab something so as I'm volunteering and need to go to the post office so when I do that I can get a snack.  Tonight at some point I will do myself a fresh fruit and / or veg smoothie as they're always great when I don't feel hungry or when I'm ill.  It's stress causing the problem with my mood but I know this can be sorted with time.  I am thinking about having a telephone appointment with my GP though plus I have got to have a repeat blood test done.  I'm a bit wary of f2f appointments due to being told I had a heart murmur recently.  It's only because I am stressed and I don't want to worry about stress prolonging this, the murmur in itself isn't anything to worry about.  You know, that vicious circle that I don't want to get into  :biggrin: .

You haven't done anything to let yourself down in my eyes, Pip.  As long as you are still eating then it doesn't matter what it is and you deserve a treat too!  You're still eating and drinking, so you're allowed the treats!

Please eat something, no matter what it is, today Pip?  We've just had a pizza each... is there something like that's quick to cook and easy to eat that you can bung in the oven for a while?  It doesn't even need to be particularly healthy if you don't want it to be, but your body won't be able to function on an empty stomach!  Smoothies are all well and good but your body needs calories to convert into energy and I don't want you to get ill because you aren't eating!

I hope you're able to get a phone appointment with your GP... maybe explain it to the receptionist like you did up there if s/he wants to know why you can't go in?  Maybe ask someone to go with you for the blood test?  Is it an urgent repeat blood test or something that can wait until you feel more able to cope with it?

Forgot to mention I start my swim in three days time and realised I actually have about four months to do it in so that's taken even more pressure off.  Getting fitter is an added bonus.

Good luck with the start of the swim... take things slowly to start with and gradually build it up now that you know how long you've got to do it in?  How would you feel about challenging yourself to do the challenge more regularly, but totally unofficially?  How would you feel about being sponsored for swimming a challenging but do-able number of lengths for your favourite charity or even your church?  Something to aim for when the 11 miles has finished so that you don't feel lost when you achieve it?
Money talks, chocolate sings!  :-D

May your life be as pleasant as you are.


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Re: My New Years resolution: who's with me?
« Reply #48 on: February 20, 2019, 02:08:14 PM »
Two small jacket tatties, grated cheese and baked beans for lunch today.  Yumsk!

What about the rest of you?  What did you have for lunch today?
Money talks, chocolate sings!  :-D

May your life be as pleasant as you are.


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Re: My New Years resolution: who's with me?
« Reply #49 on: February 21, 2019, 09:01:11 PM »
I've done well today with eating.

One of the local charities, Shildon Alive, which is in the town where I mostly volunteer gets food donated which they put into food parcels (food bank) and give away to clients or anybody who is hard up.  Greggs (the bakers) give (filled) rolls, sandwiches, doughnuts, bakes such as steak bakes, sausage rolls etc on usually on Thursdays.  James, the volunteer I work with, went over today - used to be opposite us but moved down the road a bit - because the staff like to look after us and make sure we eat.  Today I had a cheese salad baguette, a sausage roll and a steak bake which was the only thing I didn't eat but I'll have tomorrow.  This evening we had a Chinese beef curry with egg fried rice.

Shildon Alive is associated with St John's Church (Anglican) and we know the minister who is always so friendly and will help when he can.  Apart from the food bank they run a credit union and have resources to help people with learning and to help them to help themselves which includes helping with benefits etc.  Their website is down for maintenance but this is their Facebook page     


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Re: My New Years resolution: who's with me?
« Reply #50 on: February 22, 2019, 10:45:51 AM »
So proud of you for eating so well yesterday, Pip!

Been to the Facebook page and like what I see... do they have a webmaster that looks after their site?  If not and they are willing to pay very reasonable rates, Steve's available!   ;)  If they've already got a webmaster, Steve can come up with bespoke software for their site too and he personally writes every bit of code.  Steve could come up with a webpage that would just update automatically whenever the customer selects whatever they want online then the form would go to the charity so that they knew what was going and what was still available.  The customer would select what they wanted from the daily list, those details would then be sent along to Shildon Alive and the stock levels would automatically be updated.  There would also be an admin section for updating and maintaining stock levels.  Apparently it's all done via back-end programming and stuff but it would be sooo easy to use both for the customer and Shildon Alive.

The quote from Steve to come up with this sofware would be about £400 and take him 2 weeks.  If you want to see an example of the unique software Steve makes, there's a free trial version of some that he programmed for me on my Stories 4 Children site.

If Shildon Alive are looking for a longer term webmaster then Steve's available for that too.  If you're interested, just PM me and let me know you want his email address, website URL and mobile number so that you can pass it on and they can discuss it with each other.  My brain damage affects my memory at the best of times, so you might have to remind me about this message lol
Money talks, chocolate sings!  :-D

May your life be as pleasant as you are.


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Re: My New Years resolution: who's with me?
« Reply #51 on: February 24, 2019, 10:42:32 PM »
Due to unforeseen circumstances I couldn't start my swim until today but managed a third of a mile and intend to build up. 


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Re: My New Years resolution: who's with me?
« Reply #52 on: February 25, 2019, 10:12:32 AM »
That's awesome, Pip!  You're almost 10% of the way there after your first swim! :excited:  Take it slowly and steadily and you'll get there before you know it!   :cathug:

We had 3 take aways last week, so I'm bribing Steve to cook every day by getting a box of 12 Creme Eggs (his favourite) that's being delivered tonight.  He's getting one egg every Friday as long as he's cooked for us every day that week and a second one on Sunday for cooking both days of the weekend.  We're allowed one take away a week still, but unless he cooks for the other 6 days then he doesn't get his Creme Eggs lol  Bribery at it's best lol   :o
Money talks, chocolate sings!  :-D

May your life be as pleasant as you are.


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Re: My New Years resolution: who's with me?
« Reply #53 on: February 25, 2019, 02:55:10 PM »
Maybe it's just that my tastebuds aren't used to mature cheese, but the tanginess of the pasta bake we had for lunch is still in my mouth an hour or so later.

T'was very yummy and the tanginess of the cheese gave it a different flavour profile than what we had been used to but it was sooo worth it!  Some of the cheese melted within the pasta sauce instead of just being on top like it usually is which was a different thing for my tastebuds and eyes to get used to as well!

Definitely one of my favourite meals, just barely behind veggie lasagne but not by much!

The groceries are being delivered tonight and there are a couple of new things in there too, just to shake things up a bit and not make food boring after having it so often.  It doesn't need to be a totally new meal necessary (although I'm totally up for that too), just a new flavour within the same meals (like the cheese on today's pasta bake) occasionally is all.

It's looking good for Steve getting his first Creme Egg on Friday 'cos we're at 100% with cooked-at-home meals so far and Steve seems to mostly be back into the habit and enjoyment of cooking now too... he's very much like me with the motivation - it's the getting started and into a workable routine that's the hardest, but when we've got used to the new routine it's all fine and dandy to keep on with it.

Steve will have 6 week's worth of motivation tonight and I'll be in control of the rewards so there's no sneaking one past me!  lol  Hopefully by the time he's had his 12 Creme Eggs it'll be totally ingrained into his motivation, like brushing my teeth and walking the pup is for me now!    :biggrin:
Money talks, chocolate sings!  :-D

May your life be as pleasant as you are.


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Re: My New Years resolution: who's with me?
« Reply #54 on: February 27, 2019, 06:34:47 PM »
Three days in and we've had a home-cooked meal every day so far!  Yaaay!

Pasta Bake on Monday
Pizza yesterday.
Jacket tatty with cheese and beans today.

Could only eat 1.5 of the potato's at lunchtime because they were so much bigger than we were used to lol
Money talks, chocolate sings!  :-D

May your life be as pleasant as you are.


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Re: My New Years resolution: who's with me?
« Reply #55 on: February 28, 2019, 02:51:08 PM »
Still at 100% with home-cooked meals.

Pasties/cheese and onion rolls and chips today.

Tomorrow, as long as there's 2 tins in the cupboard, is gonna be veggie curry and rice.  We haven't had that for literally months so it's gonna be a huge difference in taste to what we're used to!

Gonna be another late lunch 'cos Steve's got another medical appointment at 12.20pm so it'll be getting on for 1.30pm at the very earliest before he gets home and it'll be around half an hour for the curry and rice to cook so it'll be after 2pm before we eat, but that's totally OK 'cos it'll be the first time in several months that we haven't had a take-away during the week!  Hopefully we'll get home-cooked meals both days of the weekend too so that Steve can have his first two creme eggs!

Can't wait!!

Money talks, chocolate sings!  :-D

May your life be as pleasant as you are.


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Re: My New Years resolution: who's with me?
« Reply #56 on: February 28, 2019, 03:37:06 PM »
So proud of us this week!

We've not only had four home-cooked meals in four days and it's likely that tomorrow will be 5, as long as we've got enough cans of curry, but there are literally 6 individual items that are brand names, not Sainsbury's own brand things!

The shopping comes to pennies over £71 instead of the £78 that it was with just the brand name cakes on!  It's so much better value for money to get own brand things that usually taste exactly the same, literally the only difference seems to be the box it comes in!

Assuming that we have another home-cooked meal tomorrow, Steve'll definitely deserve his Creme Egg!
Money talks, chocolate sings!  :-D

May your life be as pleasant as you are.


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Re: My New Years resolution: who's with me?
« Reply #57 on: March 01, 2019, 03:53:48 PM »
For the fifth day on the trot we've had a home-cooked meal and NO take-aways so far this week so Steve's got his first treat/bribe/reward of the week - his first treat sized Creme Egg that was bigger than we both thought, judging by the size of the box that was delivered on Monday.

Steve's also found a sweet potato roast and potato squares in the freezer too, so that's Sunday lunch sorted.  Hopefully we'll have pasta 'n' sauce for our lunch tomorrow so Steve'll be getting his second treat/bribe/reward on Sunday and it'll be the first time in a veeeeery long time that we haven't had any take-aways at all during the week.

If we do that for next week too, hopefully we'll be out of the habit of relying on take-aways and Steve'll be back into enjoying and even looking forward to cooking for us!

Thank you so much for the last 5 meals, Steve!  You're allowed to munch through your Creme Egg, fall asleep, then we'll have the cake for tea!
Money talks, chocolate sings!  :-D

May your life be as pleasant as you are.


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Re: My New Years resolution: who's with me?
« Reply #58 on: March 01, 2019, 08:18:41 PM »
This week has been chaotic so my eating plans went out of the window and ate late last night which was chili.  It's partly my own fault for not eating earlier in the day but my reasoning was as I was cooking late for Rick I may as well eat at the same time.  Subsequently I didn't even eat a child's portion so the dogs did well out of me.  I've just had a cheese omelette which is a treat for me.

I have managed to get quite a bit of walking this week which is good and over the weekend I will be getting some serious swimming in.  Next week I hope to go swimming at least every other day.


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Re: My New Years resolution: who's with me?
« Reply #59 on: March 01, 2019, 08:33:41 PM »
I hope it was positive chaos, Pip?  Maybe try and use the weekend to relax and unwind so that you can start next week fresh?  I'm glad you treated yourself to the cheese omelette though!

Do you have a fitness tracker or even a pedometre?  I got mine from Argos and it's become a habit to not only count the percents I walk with the pup every morning, but fill out a spreadsheet with my number of steps just before I swing my legs in to bed too.  It counts the number of steps and kilometres you walk every day and there's a swimming setting too that I've never used but might be helpful for you as you do your swimathon?  There's an app that goes with it but I couldn't get it to sync between the fitness tracker and my mobile  :bash: so I gave up after a few days and just record the numbers manually and that's what I put on my disability page every Monday as motivation to keep going the next week   ^-^
Money talks, chocolate sings!  :-D

May your life be as pleasant as you are.