Author Topic: Former Labour shadow minister Eric Joyce who quit the party after head....  (Read 1843 times)


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Former Labour shadow minister Eric Joyce who quit the party after head-butting two Tory MPs in Commons bar bust-up admits making child porn ‘movie involving 12-month-old baby’

    Joyce, 59, pleaded guilty to making indecent child photography at Ipswich court
    A former minister from Worlingworth, Suffolk, was arrested in November 2018
    He served as the MP for Falkirk in Scotland between 2000 and 2015

By Luke Andrews For Mailonline

Published: 10:54, 7 July 2020 | Updated: 12:17, 7 July 2020

Former Labour shadow minister Eric Joyce who quit the party after head-butting two Tory MPs in a Commons bar bust-up has pleaded guilty to making child porn which included a 12-month-old baby.  The 59-year-old, who was MP for Falkirk in Scotland between 2000 and 2015, has been ordered to sign the Sex Offenders register.  Joyce pleaded guilty to making an indecent photograph of a child between August 7, 2013, and November 6, 2018.   Judge Emma Peters said that the single 51-second movie, found on a device, 'depicts a number of children'.  'Some are quite young, one is said to be 12 months old,' she said. 'Clearly a category A movie.'

The former shadow minister for Northern Ireland, of Worlingworth, Suffolk, was granted bail ahead of his sentencing on August 7.  He served as a Labour MP between 2000 and 2012, before stepping down to become an independent until 2015.   Joyce was arrested in November 2018, police said. He was granted unconditional bail following his appearance in court on 10 June this year.  In 2012, Joyce admitted four charges of assault at Westminster magistrates' court after a brawl in the Commons Strangers' Bar.  He lashed out at Conservative MPs on 22 February 2012, at about 10.30 pm, after one of his friends, Stuart Niven an amateur opera singer started to sing loudly in the bar, provoking startled glances from a neighbouring table of Conservatives.   Joyce, who had drunk a bottle of red wine, stood to warn Tory MP Alec Shelbrooke: 'Don't ever look at my guests in that way again'.

When another Conservative MP, Andrew Percy, asked him to sit down, Joyce shoved him up against the wall, shouting: 'This bar is full of ******* Tories.'

When Mr Shelbrooke said: 'You can't treat an MP like that in a place like this,' Joyce swung for the Tory, who ducked the blow. Joyce then punched Conservative councillor, Luke Mackenzie, splitting his lip, before head-butting another, Ben Maney.

Labour whip Phillip Wilson then put a hand on Joyce's shoulder and said: 'Calm down Eric what's going on?'

Joyce responded by punching him in the face.

Eight police officers arrived to find Joyce smelling 'strongly of alcohol' with 'glazed' eyes. He continued his assault as the officers tried to restrain him, swearing at them before head-butting Tory MP Stuart Andrew, giving him a bloody nose and concussion.

Joyce, who one witness described as drunker than anyone he 'had ever seen', furiously kicked doors, breaking a glass pane, as he was dragged away by officers while yelling: 'You can't touch me, I'm an MP.'

The MP even managed to snatch a constable's notebook and scrawl: 'We are a Tory nation, that cannot be forever good cops unite.   It's sure to hate the Tories.'

He claimed at Belgravia police station that someone else had started the fight, telling officers: 'I think he was a silly fat Tory MP.  'He was pushing like a girl and giving me a bear-hug. I nutted a guy. It was a wee scuffle thing.  If people said I was hammered, that was probably true.'

Jeremy Dein QC, defending, said at the time that his client had little recollection of the events as he had not eaten all day and had been 'working intently' since 8.30 am.  'What accompanies his apology is an overriding sense of shame and embarrassment,' he added.

The MP also has a conviction from 2010, for refusing to give police a urine sample.   He left Labour to serve as independent MP for Falkirk in 2012, stepping down before the 2015 general election. He spent 21 years in the army and rose through the ranks to become a major.  This is a breaking news story. More follows...