Author Topic: DWP suffers Court of Appeal defeat that 'could help thousands' on Universal Cred  (Read 1808 times)


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DWP suffers Court of Appeal defeat that 'could help thousands' on Universal Credit

The ruling could help claimants whose old-style benefits stopped due to a DWP error. Campaigners said 'potentially thousands' would be helped but DWP officials insisted the actual figure was 'tiny'

By Sian Harrison & Dan BloomOnline Political Editor

17:18, 12 MAY 2020Updated06:47, 13 MAY 2020

The government has suffered a Court of Appeal defeat which campaigners claim could help “potentially thousands” of people who were moved to Universal Credit.  Three top judges today ruled claimants should not lose out financially if they were forced to switch onto UC due to an “error of law”.  The Child Poverty Action Group, which represented them, claimed the ruling affects "potentially thousands" of people.  But while unable to give an exact figure, DWP officials insisted the number of people affected was not nearly that high.  A DWP spokesman said: "This judgment affects a tiny minority but we will carefully consider the findings.”

It comes after three women took the DWP to court over a “glaring injustice” in the system.  All three a mum and daughter, plus a second woman said their previous benefits were stopped unfairly.  When they got back onto the benefits system, they were put on Universal Credit instead which is standard practice for a “new” claimant.  But their UC payments were lower than what they had before, with no transition payments.  Patricia Reynolds, who is disabled and lives alone, told the court she lost £180 a month.  She told the court: “I fail to see why, because DWP got it wrong I should be the one who has to pay the price for their wrong decisions."

And a woman identified only as TD, and her severely disabled daughter received £140 less a month for 18 months.  The three claimants lost at the High Court in March last year but brought a challenge at the Court of Appeal.  At that court, three leading judges overturned the earlier decision today.  Campaigners urged the Government to "act swiftly" to ensure benefit claimants in this situation do not suffer financially.  CPAG solicitor Carla Clarke said: "Today's judgment corrects a glaring injustice for the two households in this case, and many others in a similar situation, who end up worse off through no fault of their own.  The court was clear that the way in which Universal Credit (UC) is implemented must comply with human rights."

She added: "The Secretary of State (for Work and Pensions) must act swiftly to implement the judgment so that any claimant who claims UC following an incorrect decision to end their previous benefits is protected against financial losses."

The claimants had to apply for UC after the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) wrongly stopped their benefits in March 2017.  Following reviews of their cases, the DWP acknowledged the errors made and the decision to stop their benefits was overturned.  However, they were unable to return to their previous, higher level of welfare support.  They were also not eligible to receive "transitional protection" payments cash top-ups designed to cover shortfalls for people moving on to UC.  Rejecting their case at the High Court, Mrs. Justice May said that, while the claimants were treated differently as a result of the policy, the decision did not "lack consideration so as to render it manifestly without reasonable foundation".

But, overturning that ruling, Lord Justice Singh said: "I have come to the conclusion, that in the present context, the difference in treatment was manifestly disproportionate in its impact on these appellants having regard to the legitimate aim which the DWP sought to achieve.  It was therefore manifestly without reasonable foundation."

He added the three women were treated as they were due to "administrative cost and complexity, which have nothing to do with the merits of their cases".

He went on: "The only reason, in reality, why they moved from legacy benefits to UC was as a result of errors of law by the state itself."

The judge said it is now for the Work and Pensions Secretary, Therese Coffey, to decide how to respond to the declaration granted by the court.  He also said the appellants' claims against the DWP for damages will be transferred to the County Court.  A DWP spokesman said: “We remain committed to supporting the most vulnerable in society, which is why we currently spend a record £95 billion a year on our safety net welfare system.  Universal Credit is an agile system that adapts to your personal circumstances and the vast majority of claimants are better off on it."