Hi guys, I am posting because I feel...dunno...a few different things....lonely, isolated, wobbly, down...the usual kind of stuff. My life seems to have settled in to running my business from home, which takes really only an hour or two a day, looking after and walking the dogs, being tired and achy from the arthritis...that's all I do really. It's difficult to make myself 'do' more though, I suppose that's the nature of depression, it makes you not want to do anything to get you out of it...if that makes sense. It's not just the depression though, I would say at the mo that it's largely the increase of difficulty from the arthritis, I am in some pain virtually all of the time and that makes it hard to motivate me to do stuff. I'd quite like to find a part time job a day or two a week or, 2 or 3 half days, just to get me out of the house and talking to people...the dogs are good listeners but they don't have an awful lot to say...
I'm wanting to get another tattoo done (I have a couple already) but I just can't get my head round having to go out to a tatt place and discuss what I want, look at designs etc, then make an appt to have it done and tramp all the way back for that...I don't know if I want it done just because I'm bored and want something to focus on.
I'm just drifting a bit at the moment. I'm not so low I can't function or suicidal or anything serious, just a bit lost and unmotivated right now.
Thanks for reading xxx