Author Topic: My books  (Read 2378 times)


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My books
« on: April 15, 2015, 12:54:19 PM »
I wrote my first (short) book a number of years ago, the second a few years ago and have had a short book of poetry on sale on .  After writing the second book I have sold the first and second books together as one book as well.  Recently I decided to get ISBN numbers for all my books and do it gradually and started with the two in one books.  Doing this means it will also be sold on Amazon, google and other places which will be available in 6 - 8 weeks although it is still on Lulu as well.


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Re: My books
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2015, 05:38:52 PM »


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Re: My books
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2015, 10:30:01 AM »
Can you let me know when it's on Amazon please?  I'd love to have a read of it as it's about adoption!
Money talks, chocolate sings!  :-D

May your life be as pleasant as you are.


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Re: My books
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2015, 02:54:44 PM »
I will  ;D ~ obviously it's a personal experience of a mother who was forced to surrender.  People, generally, think adoption is wonderful and as it is rare to adopt babies that the children in foster care are there because their parents are bad parents.  They don't seem to understand that some children go into respite care because they are carers or their parents are carers for them so need a break.  I am all for children being adopted when their parents really are bad parents.  However there is a dark side to adoption.  I have got to know parents who have been falsely accused by family members or neighbours and children taken for poor reasons.  In one case social services turned up at a home and the family were in the process of moving and their daughter was taken because the house was dirty.  There are children in care where social services have thought they have been abused but they actually have a medical consition such as brittle bones.  Not all these children are returned because social services omit paperwork that the parents have been proven innocent by the police and doctors. It frustrates me as one abused child is one too many but one false accusation is one too many as well.   


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Re: My books
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2015, 12:39:23 PM »
Yup, know what you mean Pip.  I'm infertile and Steve told his family (without discussing it with me beforehand) a couple of months back that he was too old to have children now (early  40s) and he would only want a baby even though there are so many older children waiting to be adopted by loving parents! 

Can't wait to read your book!
Money talks, chocolate sings!  :-D

May your life be as pleasant as you are.


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Re: My books
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2015, 09:51:36 PM »
It is virtually impossible to adopt babies here in the UK, only 60 were adopted in 2013, as mothers know what help they can get.  The older the couple wanting to adopt the less likely they will be considered for a baby.  It's about 38 - 40+ years old that social workers won't agree to a couple adopting a baby so there is no chance of you two adopting one.  You partner will find this out the hard way if you do go ahead with adopting.

We had thought about adopting years ago but around that time we first heard about forced adoption of older children so we started doing our research.  It shocked us and we have since got to know parents who have had social workers involved with them for years and those whose children have been taken into care.  Some have been adopted, some are still in care and others who have got their children back.  We were scared that we would end up adopting children through forced adoption even though it is illegal but social workers get away with it.


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Re: My books
« Reply #6 on: April 20, 2015, 12:02:12 PM »
Yup, I want to adopt a toddler but Steve wants a baby!  I'm 37 and Steve's 43   :-\
Money talks, chocolate sings!  :-D

May your life be as pleasant as you are.


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Re: My books
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2015, 02:18:47 PM »
The only way Steve is going to accept that the two of you can't adopt a baby due to his age is a social worker telling him.  Have you been to an information session?

The only realistic way of adopting a baby is through international adoption which costs thousands and you still need to be approved to adopt due to UK adoption law.  If you haven't then it's worth going along as the basics are explained then you get to decide whether you want to progress with it.  I don't know how much you know so if I repeat anything my apologies;

- home visits
- course
- CRB check
- references taken up
- family members interviewed
- sitting in front of a panel who decide whether can adopt or not.

During this time it is reinforced that it is almost impossible to adopt a baby so it will be a wake up call for Steve.


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Re: My books
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2015, 03:55:43 PM »
The only way Steve is going to accept that the two of you can't adopt a baby due to his age is a social worker telling him.  Have you been to an information session?

The only realistic way of adopting a baby is through international adoption which costs thousands and you still need to be approved to adopt due to UK adoption law.  If you haven't then it's worth going along as the basics are explained then you get to decide whether you want to progress with it.  I don't know how much you know so if I repeat anything my apologies;

- home visits
- course
- CRB check
- references taken up
- family members interviewed
- sitting in front of a panel who decide whether can adopt or not.

During this time it is reinforced that it is almost impossible to adopt a baby so it will be a wake up call for Steve.

I've got no problem with any of the steps, but I'm hoping that our nephew will be a wake up call when we see him for the first time.  Don't get me wrong, I love babies as much as anyone, I just prefer them slightly older is all   :D  I'm also qualified to work with children over 12 months and have experience with them so I know what I'm doing there, but babies are a scary territory for me!
Money talks, chocolate sings!  :-D

May your life be as pleasant as you are.


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Re: My books
« Reply #9 on: April 29, 2015, 10:51:22 PM »
I hope everything does turn out okay with you.  Can understand the 'babies are scary territory' feeling as I was like that before my sister had her eldest and I was terrified of dropping my niece.  My sister was induced 3 weeks before the due date because of high blood pressure.  My niece weighed 6 lb 2 ozs and was 19 1/2 inches long, she looked like she had been in Belson as she was so thin but she was a good size and weight for a baby born 3 weeks early.

My book is on Amazon now ~ forgot to post about it


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Re: My books
« Reply #10 on: April 30, 2015, 04:52:45 PM »
I hope everything does turn out okay with you.  Can understand the 'babies are scary territory' feeling as I was like that before my sister had her eldest and I was terrified of dropping my niece.  My sister was induced 3 weeks before the due date because of high blood pressure.  My niece weighed 6 lb 2 ozs and was 19 1/2 inches long, she looked like she had been in Belson as she was so thin but she was a good size and weight for a baby born 3 weeks early.

My book is on Amazon now ~ forgot to post about it

I held little Harrison last week and I've never been so scared in my life!  lol  Apparently I was holding him too high (chest height) and I needed to relax, but he's a little man and I was so scared of dropping him!  lol

Just bought your book... it'll be in my hands on Saturday!   :biggrin:
Money talks, chocolate sings!  :-D

May your life be as pleasant as you are.


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Re: My books
« Reply #11 on: May 02, 2015, 12:20:32 PM »
Your book has just arrived, Pip!
Money talks, chocolate sings!  :-D

May your life be as pleasant as you are.