Author Topic: Hello x  (Read 2485 times)


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Hello x
« on: December 10, 2009, 10:45:07 PM »
Hi everyone, my names Claire. I have been having mood swings for many years. I have been on Citalapram now for a few years, and recently discussed councilling with my doctor. I have been waiting nearly 4 months to get to see a therapist for CBT  >:(. This week has been a particularly bad one for me, its a long story, and i feel as if i may bore everyone by telling it. I consider myself a good listener and always try to be a shoulder for any one to cry on, but I feel let down when I need someone to talk to. All I get from family and friends is the usual "it'll be ok"  "pull yourself together" or "its not that bad"  _)(. But the problems I am dealing with are that bad in my head.  :'( I am sobbing while I type this. I cry everynight when I go to bed, so I end up getting up and going back on the pc til early hours. I am divorced with a gorgeous 9 year old son, but i hate myself sometimes for wishing he wasn't here so I could slip away. Suicide doesn't frighten me, i find it a comfort i will never have.  I do not know how much to put here, my whole story, or a basic intro? A lot of my problems are centred around men, but the effects i am left with apply to everyone around me. I am a good loving person, but i wish i could be harder and not care so much. I think I get took advantage of so much by everyone. I really need a hug right now, but i'm on my own as usual ! It is my birthday on saturday, and i am planning on spending it in bed with a bottle of wine or 4!!  Anyway, thats my intro, sorry if i bore you  :(


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Re: Hello x
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2009, 12:36:04 AM »
Hi Claire %^&

Here is a virtual hug.

I can relate to a lot of what you are saying.Unfortunately, family and friends do not always understand if they have not experienced depression.

I hope you can get the CBT soon. I find it really helps

Happy Birthday for Saturday - I hope you can spend it with friends instead.

If you want to message me, please feel free.

Jon :)