Author Topic: What did you dream about last night?  (Read 4120 times)


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What did you dream about last night?
« on: September 09, 2011, 09:57:59 PM »
Since I have been taking medication I have found that my dreams are very odd (odder than usual...  :-\) and I can remember than in perfect detail, which is not always a bonus... I'm sure it is either the medication or the illness and my doctor is of the opinion that the AD's are doing something good (most days) so I may just have to try and put up with the dreams....

SO does anyone else dream? Do you remember your dreams? Maybe we can post what we remember (no matter how silly) on here and then we could all have a giggle or not feel so.... odd for having very very weird dreams (Unless, of course, it is just me.....)

This too shall pass.


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Re: What did you dream about last night?
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2011, 01:32:46 PM »
What was your dream then munchroom?

Last night I dreamed that some one handed me a piece of blank white A4 paper and I wanted to draw on it, but everytime I was just about to, somthng happened, some one spoke to me and I had to look away, or a phone rang in the distance that I had to get, or something occurred in the room that I looked at and I could never get to actually draw on it but I wanted to. Versions of this type of dream are very common for me. It represents my frustration in my waking life that I can't do or express what I want because I'm either thinking of others too much over myself, or there are so many obstacles to the problem I am trying to solve. I wake up frustrated and I have to try really hard to forget the feeling to carry on my day as normally as I can otherwise I'm in the same frustrated frame of mind I was in in the dream all day!

Dreams are weird, but that can be very indicative.


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Re: What did you dream about last night?
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2011, 05:28:28 PM »
I dreamt last night that Chris had forgiven the guy that almost ruined our relationship last year when I was at my lowest - everything that has happened, had still happened and we were all a bit nervous with each other, but it was nice, everyone was friendly again.

Kind of stayed with me all day  :-[ I miss the friendship I had with this guy - and I think in his own warped way he honestly couldn't see the damage he was doing. Talking to him on msn is nowhere near the closeness that we once had and I am still so angry. frustrated, upset and confused that it all ended the way it did  :(
This too shall pass.


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Re: What did you dream about last night?
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2011, 05:50:12 PM »
Hi Munchroom

This dream suggests that you are inclined to adopt the values of Chris in this instance. You may admire Chris's ability to forgive and wish for this for yourself. At the same time you miss the relationship you had with this guy and it sounds like you have come to terms with what happened, and even understand and start to forgive it. but you still mourn the loss it has caused by just having happened in the first place. Has Chris shown a particularly forgiving side recently? If so this may have triggered your own desire to forgive and it is easier to imagine Chris doing this than yourself. Alternitively it may mean that what you miss most about this guy is lacking in your waking life and your dream was reaching out to that quality rather than the actual person. You may be letting go of some negative emotions.


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Re: What did you dream about last night?
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2011, 03:18:52 AM »
my dreams are becomeing more vivid but are well like a normal (for me anyway) day, but im not really sure what is real or not now.  im really paranoid that some of them are predictions of the future as im getting de ja vu a lot and i think it might be dreaming about the day ive had but im not sure   :-\
If you think things can't get worse it's probably only because you lack sufficient imagination.


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Re: What did you dream about last night?
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2011, 05:37:56 PM »
Hi Cornish. Dreams are just your Brain trying to make sense of the events of your life. For us, and for you, things never make much sense because of such clouded judgment and altered perception. Therefore it is perfectly normal to have hvae dreams resembling normal day. Your de ja vu is very normal for your conditions too. They are not predictions. De ja vu is always baffling. It's somtimes helpful to analyse what parts of the day you are dreaming about, because it indicates that your Brain recieved information at the time you were doing what you're doing in your dream, that it didn't quite understand, or thinks there ismore to than meets the eye.

I had a dream the other night that involved being in a house with people I knew, and a dog kept barking in the distance somewhere and it was really annoying and totally marred the party that was going on at the time. I've had that analysed and the house represents my self/soul/psyche and barking is me!!!!!!!!!!!!! It;s my internal thoughts and annoyances about myself - I can not enjoy being with the people I love because of my own demons constanting honking on at me that I;m a social idiot and have nothing to give because I've messed everything up and I'm a tosser. So, never discount a dream and its content! I've been analysing my dreams for 15 years and boy have I learned a lot! some you need to take with a pinch of salt, but if you know how to interpret what your head is making of all this stuff whislt you are alseep, it can be very insightful! Check out dream moods online dream dictionary!!! Unbelievable!


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Re: What did you dream about last night?
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2011, 12:18:54 PM »
Hi Munchroom

This dream suggests that you are inclined to adopt the values of Chris in this instance. You may admire Chris's ability to forgive and wish for this for yourself. At the same time you miss the relationship you had with this guy and it sounds like you have come to terms with what happened, and even understand and start to forgive it. but you still mourn the loss it has caused by just having happened in the first place. Has Chris shown a particularly forgiving side recently? If so this may have triggered your own desire to forgive and it is easier to imagine Chris doing this than yourself. Alternitively it may mean that what you miss most about this guy is lacking in your waking life and your dream was reaching out to that quality rather than the actual person. You may be letting go of some negative emotions.

I see some sense in that... Chris hasn't forgiven him, if anything, I have and Chris most definetly hasnt. He knows I still chat to him on msn, but his name isnt mentioned in our house anymore  :-[ i do still mourn the loss though, definetly.... I honestly don't know how or if i'll ever stop mourning it because I valued his frendship so much! I have great friends, my relationship with chris is better than its ever been and people are constantly re-assuring me that what happened was not my fault (although... I'm still pretty much certain it was, if I wasn't so vulnerable or hadnt got ill, then it wouldnt have happened, probably) but... i don't know, its still hard.

Last night I dreamt (amongst other things...) I had a mouse in my kitchen.... and I spent the whole time (which seemed like ages!) trying to keep the dog away from it and trying to capture it, before realising that if I just guided it to thr front door it would walk out happily of its own accord...  :-\ have NO idea what that signifies... Also, in my sleep lately I feel very groggy - very groggy, like I can't even focus on putting one foot in front of the other and I'm not sure at this point whether I am asleep or awake. Its a pretty scary feeling...
This too shall pass.


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Re: What did you dream about last night?
« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2011, 12:40:25 PM »
Munchroom I have just read your post in response to OJNR regarding 'Peter'. This is indeed a sticky situation. Have you got a handle on what happened yourself? It sounds like Peter became a bit infatuated with you, did you in him? Have you tried to discuss with him the inappropriateness of his actions and ask him directly what he was doing taking phtographs of you whilst you slept etc? It sounds like there is a lot to be explained. He certainly overstepped some personal boundaries. Then maybe if there is an explanation to these things they can be explained to your OH and he wont be so scared of PEter and his perceived 'threat' to your relationship? If you manage this you may all be able to try and get on again? It sounds though, like there were some pretty powerful emotions involved and if your OH has a right to be angry and hasn't got the wrong end of the stick, then Peter may be best left well alone. Did you ever consider Peter romantically yourself?


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Re: What did you dream about last night?
« Reply #8 on: September 15, 2011, 03:42:45 PM »
I'm not sure if I have got a handle on it myself if I'm honest.... my feelings towards him and the whole situation vary so dramtically from one day to another! I'd be lying if I said I hadn't considered him in a romantic way - but he's certainly not the type of guy I'd ever have a relationship with. I know how fortunate I am to have Chris - and he is my world. I guess I was flattered in a way... Which then makes me feel so guilty because then does it mean I encouraged it?? I asked him to back off myself, but he didn't - could he see something in me that I couldn't because I was so swamped with the depression and everything that was going on?? I have asked him how he feels about things (a couple of months ago) and he said he was angry! I... why is HE angry?! I don't get this  "£$ Just feels like a constant mindf***. I don't know what to do, I don't even know myself why I still speak to him, or miss him so much, but I do  "£"
This too shall pass.


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Re: What did you dream about last night?
« Reply #9 on: September 15, 2011, 08:19:22 PM »
Munchroom the guy has had a profound effect on you and you him! Have you asked him who he is angry with? it might be himself! He might feel that you led him on and let himself hav feelings then got rebuffed? He might think your OH is no good for you? He might think 'can't blame a guy for trying' and doens't see it as as big a deal as you do and is now angry it has changed everything. Get some answers - there may be a way forward. Either way, he meant a lot to you and he still does. Relationships like that don't come along in bagfulls. x