Author Topic: Another money query  (Read 2054 times)


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Another money query
« on: March 22, 2019, 11:22:10 AM »
Let's do some maffs.  I've never been any good with maths so I just want to be sure my adding up and taking away is right is all.  I've used a calculator to get these calculations but I'm not sure I've got my own maffs right. 

I get £230 ESA every two weeks on a Monday.
I get £229 PIP every four weeks on a Friday.
My bills add up to £151 a month.
Groceries are £75 a week on a Monday.

Have I got the calculations right please?  Will I really be able to put £400 into my savings at the end of April??  That sounds like an awful lot in only 5 weeks!  That's pretty much an entire month's ESA payments!!


I've got £95 in my account atm.  I'll get £230 on Monday (25/3), so that's £325 yeah?  Take off £75 for Monday's groceries takes us to £250 - right so far? 

Fast forward to the next Monday (1/4) and take another £75 off for the groceries is £175 yeah? 

The next Monday (8/4) is another £75 off for the groceries leaves me with £100, right?  It's also my ESA pay day, so another £230 in, plus the £100 that's already in there is £330.  That Friday (12/4) is another pay day (PIP) is another £229 in which adds up to £559 yeah?

Monday after that (15/4) is expensive 'cos there's £151 for the bills leaves me with £408, take off £75 for the groceries is £333.

Monday after that (22/4) is another ESA pay day so that takes my bank balance up to £563.  Take off another £75 for the groceries is £488.

There's one final Monday in April so £488-£75 for the groceries is £413 yeah?

In theory I'll have £400 in my savings by the end of April but I bet I'll barely have £100 in there in reality!


So come on, which calculation have I got wrong that I'm left with £413 at the end of April instead of the less than £75 that I usually have?

Money talks, chocolate sings!  :-D

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Re: Another money query
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2019, 10:24:06 PM »
Okay I'm struggling to think straight due to being severely depressed but will attempt at this but on a four week cycle;

ESA @£230 per fortnight = £460 + PIP £229 = £689 - 140 (rounded up for 13 lunar months) = £549 - £300 lunar month for food = £249  so add £95 in a/c = £344 so that's a difference of £69 from your calculation.  My brain is in overload as I couldn't be bothered searching for a diary  :confused0062: :(   


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Re: Another money query
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2019, 01:20:16 PM »
Thanks Pip, but the bills are £151 a month not £140 plus the extra £10 for the last Friday in April (when a weekly payment comes out but wasn't included 'cos it's a March payment not an April one) that you didn't count still leaves a difference of £48 between our calculations and I don't know why  :bash:

This is why I've always hated maths lol
Money talks, chocolate sings!  :-D

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Re: Another money query
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2019, 08:21:13 PM »
The reason why I had a different total on the bills is because I thought you meant on a calander whereas I adjusted it for a lunar month which is four weeks to tie in with benefits that are paid on a lunar month and those paid once a fortnight  :confused0062: .


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Re: Another money query
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2019, 08:37:56 PM »
I'm paid ESA every fortnight on a Monday and PIP every 4 weeks on a Friday - confused me to start with too lol

I've never understood why there are two calendars... why not just stick to one so that there's less confusion??  A whole other rant in itself lol
Money talks, chocolate sings!  :-D

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Re: Another money query
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2019, 03:47:46 PM »
Getting confuzzled again.   :bash:

I've currently got £151 in my account.

This week's groceries have already been taken out.

I've got one last bill coming out on Friday which takes me down to £141, right so far?

Monday (1st April) comes along and the groceries cost £75 which leaves me with £66 yeah?

That Friday (5th April) another £10 comes out, which takes my balance down to £56.

Monday after that (8th April) is another payday so £56 + £230 = £286 yeah?

Take off £75 for the groceries leaves £211 yeah?

Friday (12th April) comes along and another tenner coming out leaves me with £201 yeah?  It's also my monthly payday of £229 so that's £430 in the bank, still right?

Monday (15th April) comes along and it's an expensive day 'cos there's £75 for the shopping and £111 for the bills (I took the tenner a week off twice last time I did the calculations) which adds up to £186 yeah?  £430 - £186 leaves me with £244 right?

Friday (19th April) skips along and out comes another £10 leaves me with £234.

Monday (22nd April) sneaks up on us and there's another £75 for the shopping leaves me with £159 plus the £230 for my fortnightly pay is £389.

Friday (26th April) comes along and another £10 waves goodbye so that I'm left with £379.

Monday (29th April) comes by and another £75 for the shopping leaves me with £304.

Friday (3rd May) pops along and another £10 waves bye-bye, leaving me with £294.

Monday (6th May) comes along and it's another £75 for the groceries is £219 plus my fortnightly pay day is £449

Friday (10th May) pops up and I wave goodbye to another tenner.  I'm left with £439.  Plus my monthly pay day of £229 is £668

Monday (13th May) comes and I say goodbye to another £75 for the groceries which leaves me with £593.

15th May pops up and another £111 leaves me, so that's £482 in the bank.

Friday (17th May) comes around and another tenner leaves my account which totals £472

Monday (20th May) is another £75 grocery shop and my next fortnightly payday of £230 is £627 in the bank, so lets put £400 into my savings, leaves me with £227

Friday (24th May) is another tenner out which is £117

Monday (27th May) is another week's groceries at £75 which leaves me with £142

The final Friday of May (31st) sees me wave goodbye to another tenner.  That takes me to £132.

Is all my maffs right this time???
Money talks, chocolate sings!  :-D

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Re: Another money query
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2019, 09:00:03 PM »
All this maffs goes out the window now 'cos I'll have £4 a month after Mitzi's vet food, steroids, groceries and bills have come out!

Money talks, chocolate sings!  :-D

May your life be as pleasant as you are.