Author Topic: desperate not to go back but not coping  (Read 5042 times)


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Re: desperate not to go back but not coping
« Reply #15 on: July 30, 2013, 11:44:39 AM »
  :cheerleader:  good luck TIGGS   :cheerleader:  hope you got enough rest and knock it out of the park today !!!

let us know how you get on :)
”It’s always down to you and the choices you make. Work on the things you can change and never dwell on the things you can’t. You choose… ‘results’ or ‘excuses’ it’s always down to YOU… no one has ever given their BEST and regretted it. GO HARD NO EXCUSES.”


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Re: desperate not to go back but not coping
« Reply #16 on: July 30, 2013, 07:02:42 PM »
Tiggyangel, hope all went well today.


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Re: desperate not to go back but not coping
« Reply #17 on: July 30, 2013, 08:39:49 PM »
Thanks so much guys  :hug: finally back after 6 hours travelling for a 1 hour interview, just a shame i fell over getting of a train and twisted my ankle  :-[ I'm hoping i did ok, should hear back in a week or two, was so nervous though i was shaking before  i went in. I'm just trying to set myself up so that i'm not as disapointed if i get rejected. Another rejection letter from a different job doesnt help much, but hey i suppose it's better than nothing. Still really nervous though because if i get rejected from the job from today then it'll feel lie i've wasted so much money on travel :(


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Re: desperate not to go back but not coping
« Reply #18 on: July 30, 2013, 08:48:02 PM »
sounds like you took the advice "break a leg" too seriously :p joking aside I hope your ok

whatever happens take today as experience, it was your first interview for a lab position wasn't it?

rejection letters are better than nothing your right! some companies don't even have the decency to tell you that your not successful.

keep your train tickets ! if your on jobseekers you can claim your travel back for interviews !!
”It’s always down to you and the choices you make. Work on the things you can change and never dwell on the things you can’t. You choose… ‘results’ or ‘excuses’ it’s always down to YOU… no one has ever given their BEST and regretted it. GO HARD NO EXCUSES.”


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Re: desperate not to go back but not coping
« Reply #19 on: July 31, 2013, 12:48:02 AM »
Hi Tiggyangel

I think exactly the same way when I sit there waiting for a reply from a job; it gets me down when i get rejected because you don't have an income yet are expected to pay to go to interviews which can cost a fair amount. And when you add them all up its awful.  I also now set myself up so i'm not so disappointed, it hurts less when rejection happens.

Within time you should hopefully be more confident with the more interviews you get. I used to be extremely timid and shaky in interviews. I always got positive feedback for my qualifications and knowledge but negative feedback on my quiet and nervous personality. In the end from being rejected so many times and having regular interviews, I knew I needed to force myself to be confident because sadly thats what every employer seems to want the most.
I do not act overly confident as if I am obnoxious; i find it hard to compliment myself, its just enough to try to fool the interviewer that im relatively confident when im actually not.

I'm in the same boat with being unemployed. Many times I have come second because the employer has chosen confidence over qualifications.
I wish you the absolute best of luck and hope that you get the position.
Everything happens for a reason; sometimes we have to go through a string of rejections to finally find the right employer who wants us. Every interview means experience, sometimes the interviewer will give feedback so you know how to improve for the next interview.


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Re: desperate not to go back but not coping
« Reply #20 on: July 31, 2013, 03:54:12 PM »
The more interviews you go to the more you learn from the experience.  I know when I was at college I went to a number of interviews.  It got to the point that I was so used to rejection letters that I expected to carry on with my education for another year at least.  I then got offered a job for the Thames Water Authority before it was privatized and soon after that I got accepted for the civil service and after starting the other job.  I took the civil service job as it was offering more money and the travelling was about the same.


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Re: desperate not to go back but not coping
« Reply #21 on: September 04, 2013, 12:11:20 AM »
Hi guys i'm really sorry that its been more than a month since I last posted things have been pretty hectic. For starters I didnt get the job in london and im still without a  job  :( i've been to about 4 interviews in all so far and still nothing. in the middle of this and other problems my mum made a suprise visit over to stay at mine for the weekend as she was getting too stressed out with my dad and his side of the family (its complicated, and my dads a bit of a dick sometimes  :-X ) straight after me and my bf went back with her to stay with them for a week cause of birthdays. in the middle of that week I had another interview that I didnt get the job for. then this last week I thought I actually had a job but the company turned out to be pretty crooked so I had to decline it, so i've fallen further than usual  :'( plus the pressure from my mum doesnt help, dont get me wrong I love her very much but she would like to keep me at home wrapped in cotton wool even after years of living away, I know she means well anyhoo. so whew! after all this my depression has been really up and down, not helped by me struggling to take the medication every day  :( just hope things get better, I just want to have my own self worth  :'(


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Re: desperate not to go back but not coping
« Reply #22 on: September 04, 2013, 05:27:21 PM »
Sounds like it's been quite hectic for you.  Try not to get down though with searching for a job.  The simple fact that you are trying to get one and going to interviews is being positive even though it may not feel like it is.

My mum used to encourage me to be independent which I liked as I wanted to be.  My dad is the same but in some respects wanted to be protective but then I've always been a 'daddy's girl' anyway  :biggrin: .


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Re: desperate not to go back but not coping
« Reply #23 on: September 04, 2013, 05:48:21 PM »
Interviews are definitely positive, a lot of people don't even get to that stage. If you are falling down at the interview stage, have you considered interview coaching? If you still live near your University then your careers office will likely offer this service for graduates. I had one today actually and it was incredibly useful. She noticed many things that I would never have picked up on myself. Ways to sell yourself and tips and tricks as well as ways to phrase questions and to keep every aspect of the interview positive. Of course she did add the caveat that it is an incredibly difficult jobs market at the moment and sometimes you just lose out to someone better. If this is the case then you just have to keep trying hard as it is (I know as I am in the same situation myself). I don't suggest doing what I did as the careers adviser was a little surprised when I broke down and cried just before I left but then that's another story and she was very nice about it.
Not sure this is helpful but just some thoughts


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Re: desperate not to go back but not coping
« Reply #24 on: October 03, 2013, 09:52:11 PM »
Hi, so yeah things arn't good. Ive been rejected from so many jobs now i don't care at this point if i get a job or not. The situation with my former housemate who instead of paying his rent decided to buy an £800 pound computer instead and still owes either me or our landlord money still hasn't given me the money so i cant get my deposit back, this has been going on since july.
Im just completly spent, i just feel hollow and theres nothing left. im on the verge of breaking up with my boyfriend because i dont even know if i love him anymore. theres just nothing left, i dont even have the will in me to delf harm anymore much less take any medication


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Re: desperate not to go back but not coping
« Reply #25 on: October 04, 2013, 08:29:06 PM »
I am sorry you are going through such a tough time.