Author Topic: Hi  (Read 2681 times)


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« on: October 19, 2009, 07:15:40 PM »

Well i'm not really sure what to say so i'll start by saying why i'm on here.  I have a good job and some great friends but still feel like my life is rubbish.  My GP has put me on some pills which are beginning to help me but i still feel really down a lot of the time.  I feel worthless and don't feel i deserve to be happy, i am in a relationship but its very complicated and as far as i'm concerned its all i deserve.  I love my job and being at work is the only time i feel happy.  I also find solice in food which then makes me feel down as i am overweight!!  Its a bit of a viscious circle really but i can't seem to get out of it.  My friends are great but i'm sure they'll soon get fed up with me and my behaviour when i am down as i can be quite all over the place and moody at times.  Anyway thats all for now.


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Re: Hi
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2009, 09:35:17 AM »
 ^&* - sounds like you have low self esteem but you're doing the right things so far ....  +=-


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Re: Hi
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2009, 04:19:15 PM »

It's great that you've managed to recognise and share your feelings. It does seem that you need to give yourself a bit of a break though.  It's much harder to be kind to yourself than to constantly add more pressure about your life and your appearance.  Have you considered counselling? I'm glad you got on some meds, hopefully they will help to stabilise your moods a bit.  Try and remember that having mental health issues is like having any sort of physical problem which means that you need to get rest and relaxation. I know it's difficult but maybe you could try and give yourself a break!

Peace and happiness to you
