Author Topic: Our dog Chyna has died  (Read 2483 times)


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Our dog Chyna has died
« on: March 21, 2014, 11:25:13 PM »
Our Rottweiler, Chyna, was at the vets today to investigate a lump on her leg.  It turned out to be aggressive bone cancer and that she would probably die soon so we decided the kindest thing to do was for her to be put to sleep.  We were already on our way back when Rick was told the news.  He told the vet that we wanted to be there for Chyna.  It was heartbreaking to spend a bit of time with her as she wanted cuddles and snuggled into us.  She was good with the vet.  After the vet did her bit Rick got up but I couldn't until Chyna's heart stopped.  It was horrible going through this but I know it was the right decision plus we didn't want her to suffer. 

Chyna lived to a good age for a Rottweiler - would hae been 11 this year on the 24th June - as the breed is prone to health issues due to their build and weight.  Although Chyna has always been a healthy weight we knew she was losing weight.  By Wednesday Chyna was 28 kg - I've just checked to see what weight she should have been which is 38 - 52 kg.


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Re: Our dog Chyna has died
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2014, 11:28:56 PM »
Oh Pip I am so so sorry. You and Rick must be heartbroken, but you know that you have done the right thing.  She will not suffer now.  She is at peace.  You were both with her at the end, loving her.

My heartfelt thoughts are with you both.

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Re: Our dog Chyna has died
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2014, 11:48:32 PM »
So sorry to hear your sad news. I cannot imagine how awful today was.

Big hugs to you both.

Love Louise x x


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Re: Our dog Chyna has died
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2014, 09:08:49 AM »
I'm really very sorry Pip and Rick! I'm sure that a part of you both has gone with her. Pets and animal in general are a part of creation to be with us along our journey, helping us as they can. Chyna is now not with you anymore but you have given her the great benefit of dying peacefully. Surely, I presume there will be a place for them in the heavens and the new earth!


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Re: Our dog Chyna has died
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2014, 01:05:03 PM »
Thank you for your messages.

Going to bed last night was difficult as Chyna always slept with me from the day we got her when she was 5 weeks and 5 days old.  For the first couple of months Chyna would wake me up at 2 am and 5 am to let me know she needed to go into the garden.  It was like having a baby as she was a good con puppy making out she couldn't cope with going up and down the stairs.  When Chyna started getting heavier I was more firm with her.  I'm so used to a big dog who snores being with me that when I turned in my sleep I was waking up as the duvet was moving with me.  This morning Bruno was on the bed with me so I was able to have my morning cuddle with one dog

I do believe she is in heaven with three dogs we have had and one cat.  Our first dog, Bouncer, was 15 years old when he died in March 2009.  Bandit who was a rescue dog, we only had for a couple of years due to illness and died in 1995.  Bonnie, a standard poodle, died aged 7 years old in 2005.  Charlie was our eldest cat and died on the 16th December 2008.  Bouncer saw Charlie being born so they were very close. 

It snowed this morning for a short while which made me smile as Chyna loved snow which included 'eating' it.


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Re: Our dog Chyna has died
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2014, 02:55:32 PM »
Bless Bruno for giving you a cuddle.  He must have known you needed him.  It very hard when we loose a pet, they are such a big part of our lives.

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Re: Our dog Chyna has died
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2014, 03:20:30 PM »
Sorry for your loss Pip, any animals we have as pets soon become like a close family member
and we feel deeply for their loss.
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Re: Our dog Chyna has died
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2014, 03:29:14 PM »
So sorry for your loss Pip and Rick. I know how much our pets become part of the family and how heartbroken you must be at losing Chyna.

My thoughts are with you both.

JC xx


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Re: Our dog Chyna has died
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2014, 04:24:49 PM »
Thank you Sweetpea, stewart and JC.  We are it day by day and spoiling Bruno as much as possible.  At the moment we can't leave Bruno alone as he has always had at least one dog and cat with him.  We had Bouncer who was a labrador / bearded collie cross who died 5 years ago aged 15, Bonnie, a standard poodle who died aged 7 in 2005, and, Charlie (cat who died aged 13 just over 5 years ago.  Bruno was just over a year old when we got Chyna so they have always been close.  We got Tasha 6 years ago so at least he still has company even though she beats him sometimes.

A few weeks ago we had planned to go and see a Christian comedian and magician last night but decided not to go because of Chyna dying and not wanting to leave Bruno.  Unfortunately there was a misunderstanding over transport as the event was in a church in a nearby town.  Apparently an email was sent on Wednesday but Rick didn't recieve it and the person who sent it normally cc me into it so we thought that it couldn't being arranged.  At about 6.45 pm we had a phone call asking why we weren't at the local church we go to now so we felt pressured to go.  We did let the friend know about Chyna and not getting an email or phone call about being picked up.

Poor Bruno started howling apparently Bruno started howling so our neighbour came in to sit with him.  In that respect our neighbour is good because he loves dogs.  He has offered to look after Bruno if we need to go together which we appreciate.  I let friends know on Facebook as well and have had lovely responses from friends and family as they know how much we love our dogs.  One suggested getting another puppy but we agreed a couple of years that we wouldn't get any more pets as we need a break and we've never had a proper holiday since we have been together.               


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Re: Our dog Chyna has died
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2014, 11:55:18 PM »
Oh bless poor Bruno, he can't understand where she has gone.  How lovely that your neighbour sat with him :).

S x x x x
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