Author Topic: Fathers Day on sunday, Help ?  (Read 2088 times)

Annie :)

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Fathers Day on sunday, Help ?
« on: June 13, 2013, 10:32:39 PM »
Basically my dad passed away 25.12.10 and I find it difficult to cope with his death on a day to day basis it gotten better as the years hve passed but gets harder to cope with on special occasions where he is supposed to be there for you to celebrate with him. Im finding it pretty hard this year as I don't feel like my brother and sister wants to do anything for fathers day this year as there coping in there own way.  Im fed up of always having to ask them if they want to do something, because I feel that eventhough hes not here he still deserves a card and present a celebration on the special occasions. Im scared :/


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Re: Fathers Day on sunday, Help ?
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2013, 06:12:02 PM »
Hi Annie, welcome to the forumsd.

I Cant offer any advice as far as Fathersday goes (wasnt in a close family) But as for a card, what i do on special occasions is to get a card (this is for my Lady Lynne i lost to cancer) and put it in a clear plastic freezer bag, and place it on her grave.

the plastic bag protects it from rain etc so will llast longer.
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Re: Fathers Day on sunday, Help ?
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2013, 08:57:39 PM »
My dad is alive so I sent him a card as he lives at the other end of the country.  Stewart has made a good suggestion and you can do something special with or without their involvement such as preparing a favourite meal of your dad's or a cake, anything that brings good memories of him.

My mum died on the 1st April 2011 which was hard and it was two days before Mother's Day.  It was hard for a variety of reasons linked to us not having a good relationship but she was still my mum.  That Mother's Day was painful and I was fortunate to have good friends around me as well as my husband.  The following (last) year I actually coped well as again I was surrounded by friends and we are Christians anyway so we were at church.  I did listen to the track that was played at my mum's funeral which was Time To Say Goodbye.  It's not as morbid as it sounds as we liked the same kind of music.  My sister struggled but more round the anniversary of my mum's death.  She sent me a message via Facebook so I responded back in encouragement that our mum will always be with us, our children and grandchildren.  That she only had to look at them to remember our mum.  This year was tough for me as I was severely depressed anyway but we've had to deal with some spiteful people such as our neighbour.     


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Re: Fathers Day on sunday, Help ?
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2013, 06:31:27 AM »
My grandfather past away in 2012 and although i know it's not quite the same, we simply got a bunch of flowers that we had on full display in the house and a bunch at my grandfathers. I know it might not be the same but somehow seeing them reminds me of happy time with them and manages to make me smile. I always think thats that's the best way of paying repects to someone, is to think of them and to smile.
Sorry it's a little late...
I just hope that it helps x