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Hi All, My name is Mandie and I have a diagnosis of depression. As an introvert and all round expert in introspection I have researched and analysed and think I actually have 'functioning depression' I am able to prioritise and complete all essential tasks but have literally no motivation or joy for anything else, even things I used to be passionate about. Anyway that's me, say hi and I look forward to getting to know you all and more about this problem of mine x

:yay: :sign0016: :sSig_hi:
Welcome to the forum, Mandie and thank you for introducing yourself!

I'm Amanda and I've got psychotic depression... this forum is amazingly supportive, just very quiet right now!

I hope you find the forum helpful and supportive - I know I have!

Are you on any meds for your depression?  I take Olanzapine for the psychosis but had to stop the Citalopram cold turkey earlier in the year because it had a new recipe that had an allergen in it.


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