For two decades I've been too physically disabled to walk very far.
I bought a Fitbit at the end of September last year and even then it was a struggle to meet the app minimum of 2500 steps during the week, other than on "marathon Monday" walks with Mitzi where we do almost double the length we do during the rest of the week. When I started hitting the minimum regularly I was determined to walk 5000 steps on a Monday and 2500 steps the other 6 days. I regularly hit that after 6 weeks so pushed myself to do 7500 steps on a Monday and 5000 the rest of the week, just before the lockdown, which was a huuuuuge struggle, but I've pushed myself to do 10,000 steps on a Monday ever since and yesterday... drum roll please...
I DID IT!!!!! 
Not just by a couple of steps, but by 256 steps!!!
My legs are wobbly and painful now, so it won't be a regular thing for a while but
I DID IT!!!Next barrier to aim for is 11,000 steps but, like with the 10k there's no time limit, I'm just gonna gradually increase my steps until I reach it... it's taken me 8 months to reach the 10k so maybe a month or so to reach the 11k?
So unbelievably proud of myself right now though, just gotta let my body recover for a while now