Bit of history.
I haven't been able to swallow capsules since I was a teenager because one got stuck, horizontally, in my throat.
I coughed so much that I threw up.
I haven't been able to take them, psychologically, ever since.
Until this morning.
One of my pills is a small capsule-shaped pill that I'm not allowed to crunch up any circumstances. The first few of those were awful but not so bad now. The 5-HTP is slightly larger and I've been telling myself that I can take it whole without any problems since yesterday morning.
I only went and flippin' did it with no problems at all just now, didn't I!

Soooo unbelievably proud of myself right now!
The Calcium I take at lunchtime is very much capsule size and shape, so do I risk trying to take that whole too, 'cos today is obviously a fantastic pill-taking day but risk not being able to swallow it and completely destroy all the confidence I've built up over the last few months, or do I not risk it just in case things go wrong please?
Steve said that I should attempt it, but not get too disappointed if I do manage it... talk about sitting on the fence

What do all of you reckon I should do please?
Thank you!