I've never even heard of junior hammers and saws so you're one step ahead of me there! lol Maybe include a parent or much older sibling to it or something like that so that the child is still doing the hammering and sawing but they have adult supervision so that children aren't tempted to use their parents tools without supervision?
Just a thought so that you aren't sued after a child breaks their fingers with the hammer or slices through a vein with a saw is all 
Thanks for the reply, lol at being sued

, i'm aiming for the type of cartoon of a bygone era, you know like old tom and jerry and the loony tunes cartoons, mixed with a little bit of Mr Bean thrown in for good measure,, adding other characters will complicate things, it'll mean another character for me to draw and animate, I did contemplate it, like just drawing the lower half of the adult character, the same way they did it in tom and jerry, who know perhaps a might, but as it stand right now i'm trying to keep it simple,
I just finished a new episode,
https://youtu.be/h_Ocm2xYAT8let me know what you think,