Want to talk openly about your experience with anti-depressants for a stigma-bursting project?
Anti-depressants are the most popular treatment for depression and anxiety, and their use is still increasing. On the other hand, the use of 'happy pills' remains stigmatized and there are a lot of assumptions and prejudices surrounding it. Do they help? Do they make things worse? Does it mean that you are 'really ill'?
How does it actually feel to take anti-depressants? Based on my own experiences with medication, I think it is important to have an open conversation about this. Which is why I am making an anthropological documentary film about this subject. I am making this film in the context of my MA course 'Social Anthropology' at Goldsmiths, University of London.
Do you have experience with anti-depressants and are you willing to talk about this with me in an open, confidential, respectful atmosphere? Then send me a pm, or email: an301sv@gold.ac.uk. Your story will be treated with the utmost care and respect, and no one will be recognizable in the film. Since it is only a student film, it will probably not be screened outside the context of the university. But naturally, if you participate you will be given a copy.
Drop me a line if you are interested in this project, have questions, or consider participating.
Thanks a lot!