Author Topic: Christianity and hypnotherapy  (Read 4925 times)


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Christianity and hypnotherapy
« on: February 22, 2014, 08:58:43 PM »
I don't know if we could ask questions on here, if not, please feel free to delete this.

It was suggested to me to try regression hypnotherapy to help find the cause of my depression.   This goes against Christian teachings doesn't it?  Yet it is something I wouldn't mind attending a session or two to see if it could help. 

Any thoughts?


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Re: Christianity and hypnotherapy
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2014, 08:07:42 AM »
Hello Chocsrus,

I am a convinced and practicing Christian and I do not think hypnotherapy is against Christian teachings. I am catholic and I've never heard any negative comments about this. But one thing needs to be certain is that this kind of technique needs to be done by a real professional otherwise it can cause more harm than good because it brings confusion!!
If it were me I would check on the person's credentials first, ask around for people who underwent this technique with positive results, preferably by this same person.
If you feel like it let us know about this experience!


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Re: Christianity and hypnotherapy
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2014, 08:23:04 AM »
Thank you, Grace.  That helps me some.  It's not so much the hypnotherapy part but the regression part with it meaning past lives etc.  It was something I was interested in before I became a Christian.  I'd still be interested but would take it with a pinch of salt but it may just shed some light on depression or give me something to use to help me overcome it.  I have tried bible verses and praying but they are not helping.


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Re: Christianity and hypnotherapy
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2014, 11:01:41 AM »
Well, I don't believe in past lives ...... and I would be very wary of a psychologist who uses hypnotherapy for this end!!
What I didn't tell you in my past post is that I have read of advice given by serious psychiatrists saying that the use of hypnotherapy (as a science and done by professionals) may not be the right answer for managing depression. It depends on the kind of history and the type of depression!
Praying and being in contact with people putting into practice brotherly love can help but since depression is a pathology it needs to be treated with the right kind of medication and by proven techniques like Cognitive Behaviour therapy or another kind of psychotherapy.
One kind of medication may not suit all to overcome depression and other medications need to be tried. Besides a GP is not expected to know about depression as a psychiatrist who is a specialist in mental health.

Since you speak about reading bible verses, I find the new testament helps me better in that I feel I can enter into better relationship with Jesus which gives me support and consolation.


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Re: Christianity and hypnotherapy
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2014, 11:47:59 AM »
Sorry I missed this and l agree with Grace ~ I am also a Christian.  I believe that hypnotherapy can help as you could have had a trauma that you blocked as you found it difficult to deal with it.  Like Grace I don't believe in past lives so that is the time to be wary.