amy Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 4:09 pm
hey happychick/all
one of the things I found out when doing the research was not only that SSRIs can stop working to the full extent after a length of time, but that sometimes it helps for you to continue on it while also taking another antidepressant at the same time. it's known as augmenting - i.e. the new one helps the old one to work to a fuller extent.
I've never had Ciprilopram, you don't mean citalopram do you? I tried that but found it made me more drowsy than stimulated, which is the effect I wanted.
The transition period might be weird and scary, but, I think if you take a positive attitude to it, you might find that you experience some psychological effects of knowing you're on something new until the physical effects kick in... kind of like a placebo I suppose, but if it helps it helps. they all take time to work, you just have to remember that eventually it will work, and that's something to keep you going.
I've just been to see the psychiatrist, and feel quite positive about it all now, I had a really long chat with him about medicine, and we've decided to try me on venlafaxine. it's different to fluoxetine and citalopram in that it reuptakes serotonin AND adrenaline, so I think it's quite a good one for people who need a stimulant rather than a sedative.
according to wikipedia (my best friend when it comes to researching depression and medicine!) venlafaxine is used to treat major (clinical) depression and anxiety and it works better than fluoxetine.
venlafaxine is an SNRI (serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor):
The SNRIs were developed more recently than the SSRIs and as a result there are relatively few of them. However, the SNRIs are among the most widely used antidepressants today because they have demonstrated slightly higher antidepressant efficacy than the SSRIs (apparently owing to their dual mechanism) and because their side effects are slightly less severe in comparison to the SSRIs as well.
so I'm positive in thinking it'll work better for me than fluoxetine (SSRI)
we'll see, and I'll certainly keep you posted on its effect and how it makes me feel...
if anyone wants to add me on msn to chat send me a private message
amy xx