That's very interesting what you say about the wife's reaction to your "new approach" of giving her space. I guess as you start to change within yourself, this must affect your wife. I wonder, was she able to accept that you were simply giving her space?
Your second paragraph is something that often comes up in the Forum; is our MH genetic or is it learned behaviour? Personally, I think it's maybe a bit of both, but perhaps more of a learned behaviour. I think our parent's are responsible for our early developing core beliefs but I guess whether or not it is their "fault", is debatable. How can they be held responsible for the core beliefs they developed as a child?
In my case, both my parents are from dysfunctional families. I think my mother, and possibly even my sister, have PD's. What chance did we have as a family unit? My Mum has always been a depressive. I think my own MH has developed from there. One of the symptoms of PD, chronic emptiness, has been part of my personality since my earliest memories. Mum was always saying things like, "Nothing is ever enough for you", "You don't know when to stop". So, I need to consider exactly how early was I displaying signs of a PD? By 5 years old, I had already become a very disturbed child.
I've just had my CPN visiting this morning. I was saying to her how invaluable this Forum has been in helping pull me out from years of dark depression. More importantly, this PD section and CaptK's wealth of knowledge, has been supporting and educating me through an early diagnosis of BPD. Life might not exactly be any easier, but it certainly makes a lot more sense. Understanding myself gives me a lot more control. Maybe for the first time, I am in the drivers seat of my own life, if that makes sense