Author Topic: The mood disorder questionnaire  (Read 21298 times)


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The mood disorder questionnaire
« on: April 20, 2012, 11:08:29 PM »
Came across this online - its not something you can fill out online unfortunately, but is pretty straight forward to figure out if you suspect you might have bi-polar tendancies.
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Re: The mood disorder questionnaire
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2012, 11:26:27 PM »
Thanx Munchroom   :)


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Re: The mood disorder questionnaire
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2012, 11:28:55 PM »
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Re: The mood disorder questionnaire
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2012, 11:29:54 PM »
Have you done this one?


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Re: The mood disorder questionnaire
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2012, 12:18:53 PM »
I have yeah... and I could say 'yes' to a lot of those questions. Sometimes I think about bi-polar, but no-one has ever suggested that I could be and I think that although my moods vary very drastically - i.e very very high to rock bottom, I think they do it too quickly to be bi-polar? The impression I get is that with bi-polar you will be on a 'high' (if thats the right word?) for a few weeks and then crash, when I'm like that it only tends to last a few hours - a couple of days absolute maximum and then I'm back down for a day or two and then up and it seems to cycle very very quickly.

The going without sleep and feeling as if I don't need it is also a tricky one. The Trazadone that I'm on tends to knock me out about an hour after taking it, so I have no real way of gauging it. When I was working nights I wouldn't particularly 'miss' the sleep and when I got home I would feel on a high and could carry on throughout the day being very hyper and getting a lot done unless I took my sleeping medication. But then I could have been feeling like that because I felt good about going to work!

All seems like such a minefield, maybe I'm reading too much into things. Sometimes though I fugure all the treatment I have had for 'depression' over the last two years hasn't really amounted to any long term good. I have been on so many different medications and they have all seemed to either not work or I'll take them for a while and get myself on some sort of 'level' only to have a massive low which I struggle to get out of. I think I'm possibly clutching at straws.

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Re: The mood disorder questionnaire
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2012, 12:42:17 PM »
It might be worth mentioning, in a subtle way, if you know what I mean so as to protect their egos.

I'm bipolar, and typically I have been high for weeks/months but not consistently very high. I have dysphoric manias according to the pshychiatrist. They start of ok, I have a lot of energy that I can't get rid of and I clean etc for England. I tend to talk at 100 mph and wave hands arms around. Then they all go a bit wrong and I get depressive symptoms but with the energy. Sort of feels like I'm wired, not pleasant. But my manias are different to my friend who gets hypomania. She functions well,( I can't function properly)  and hers last days. She doesn't swing as much. I tend to crash into depression and then swing high.

Antidepressant never did me much good, then the Prozac flipped me badly I was as high as a kite and had to stop taking them suddenly.

I also spend large amounts of money that we can't afford on things I don't need, my friend doesn't. She gets happy, euphoric highs.

Bipolar is a tricky thing to diagnose, but from what you've said it is worth the conversation.
Look at the Black dog institute on the web, it's quite good.

Buttercup xxx


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Re: The mood disorder questionnaire
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2012, 12:47:24 PM »
Thankyou Buttercup - I guess there such a wide spectrum that it makes it pretty hard to diagnose! I have my appointment with my pshyciatrist on Tuesday (first time I've seen any health proffesional in over a month, so I think he's gonna be in for a lot of me trying to get things off of my chest!) Will have to try and think of a way to broach things carefully xxx
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Re: The mood disorder questionnaire
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2012, 01:07:04 PM »
My GP already had her suspicions about me before I told her about the highs, she just needed the pyshciatrist to confirm it, then I turned up completely high and she fast forwarded my appointment, psychiatrist appointment lasted an hour but she said it was obvious.

My friend, on the other hand, had to push a bit more, she had inklings but ended up talking about her high
moments rather than saying I think I'm bipolar. She's bipolar 2/ the Cyclo one that I can never remember the name of. She takes lithium but not long term.  I take Lamotrigine and others will be added but I will take long term.

Good luck. Xxx


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Re: The mood disorder questionnaire
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2020, 12:38:30 PM »
I have been asked to share this link by Hallie Garret, Director of Public Relations, Anxiety Initiative - it is worth reading it  :happy0158: