I could sleep all day at the moment but have 3 children, animals and my husband to care for - my husband has stepped up to the plate this week and I can't complain at all as he's doing the cooking and taking a lot of the childcare out of my hands. But I am soooo tired all the time.
I slept this morning for 2 hours after a solid nights sleep then being awake for 3 hours with my youngest two. Hubby woke me up as I'd arranged to take middle daughter out with my friend and her girl.
I had to force myself to get dressed and go out - feeling tired the whole time I was out and on getting home I'm so tired my eyes are stinging like i've not slept all night.
I'm really worried if I sleep too much I'll be up in the night as I normally 'stress' around 3am when I'm feeling bad. I haven't been doing this recently though.
I don't want to be sat up at that time at the moment partly because I am scared of thinking too much and being alone - don't want to leave myself vulverable.
How do you manage your sleep when you have commitments ?