I have a make or break meeting with occupational health tomorrow I feel so defeated I really feel as if I want to say enough is enough. They expect me to drive 16 miles to get to the appointment which is in the middle of liverpool at 5pm It just feels like they are doing everything to make it as hard as possible for me to get back to work.
But they dont see that this is making things worse. I have to tell yet another stranger how I feel and whats going on. It has taken me a year to open up to the doctor and 6 weeks to speak to a counsellor but work expects me to bare my soul to a stranger for 30 mins so he can say if I am ill or not ! How is that going to make me feel better ? How is that going to ease my stress, reduce my depression ?
I can't take OH as he doesn't know what is truly going on but I can't drive so have had to ask my union rep to take me.
It feels hopeless. I have no idea what to say. I have no idea if I will be able to say anything. Just thinking about it is making me feel sick to the pit of my stomach ,
wish I could find a dark room lay down and just sleep until it all goes away. I feel so lost.