Been taking the lowered (7.5mg instead of the 10mg I've been on for several years) dose of Olanzapine for 12 days now and I'm feeling better, less paranoid and not even a hint of psychosis since taking the lowered dose. Is that weird or a-typical or normal please?
If I'd still been taking the 10mg I would have felt paranoid every day, verging on psychosis by the middle of the afternoon and absolutely no motivation at all. None of that has happened at all since I've been taking the 7.5mg though and I achieved more in 5 hours this morning than I used to in several days combined on the 10mg!
I know it's an AP not an AD but I've definitely noticed an improvement in my mental health over the last week on top of the motivation, no mood swings, less impatient, not at all angry etc - is that to be expected or am I being a-typical with my meds as well as my depression please?
I know you can't give medical advice and I'll try to remember to talk to Brad (my prescribing CPN) about it at the start of July, I'm just after some peer thoughts and opinions while I remember is all.