Author Topic: There is no hope  (Read 3974 times)


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There is no hope
« on: January 06, 2014, 11:40:18 AM »
Sorry if anyone reads this, I just need to let it out. 
I have no purpose in life.  I'm crying most of the time, am out of work and can't see any way forward.  Have tried positive thinking but the negativity wins through all the time.  I'm overweight and trying to force myself to exercise even if only a 5 minute walk round the block.  I smell even though I shower and scrub myself hard (although I admit this has lapsed as I avoid going out or seeing anyone if possible).  I have no friends because of social anxieties, no personality, no character, no intelligence.  Trained as a typist but left my job due to depression, tried temping and walked out, again due to depression and to top it all it looks as though I've got arthritis in my hands which means there's no point me even looking for another secretarial job which is all I've known - I'm now nearly 50.  I'm on the scrap heap of life and it is &$%+!  I haven't even got the guts to commit suicide even though there is no point in my being alive.  Am on anti-depressants and waiting lists for CBT and overcoming depression ... but what's the point?  I'm now too scared to even try to help anywhere as, in any positive moments, I've tried to get out there and be useful but can't carry it through.  I used to be reliable - now I can't trust myself so how can anyone else?


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Re: There is no hope
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2014, 08:58:43 PM »
Try not to let arthritis in your hands get you down to much.  I know I have had arthritis in my hands and right wrist for 14+ years  now, and, it's also in my back, right hip, knees and right ankle.  I also have curvature of the spine which I found out about in early 2010.  There have been changes I have had to make over the years such as aids to help me do stuff such as opening cans and jars.  However I am still mobile and managing to continue doing things I enjoyed.  I have been through dark times when the pain has been really bad so I do understand.  Is it osteoarthritis you've got?

If it is then moving your fingers will help to slow down lack of movement.  Seeing a physiotherapist may help so have a word with your GP who might refer you.

My husband and I are overweight so as from tomorrow we are going on a diet. Again I do understand how depressed that can make you.  There have been times when I have cried and been very down as I find it hard to slim down.  It is easier to get motivated though if someone is dieting with you and exercising with you.

It seems like you have low self esteem which wont help with depression.  Are the any outlets such as working in a charity shop you could volunteer at or a lunch club?

I started helping at a lunch club at the Methodist Church I attend almost 18 months ago.  The minister suggested it and at the time my self esteem was low and it wasn't really something that had interested me.  Within about a month I started feeling much better in myself and my self esteem was better.  The added advantage is that it is keeping me mobile.  It's hard work but I enjoy it.  We moved in August to get away from a neighbour from hell last August.  Where we have moved to we are right on top of a combined Anglican and Methodist church which we go to when we're not at the the other one.  This church has a lunch club on Tuesdays and Thursdays so I have been helping out there on Thursdays.  If you can managed to do voluntary work it will help to bring yourself out.


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Re: There is no hope
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2014, 01:49:19 PM »
Hi Chocsrus

Sorry to hear you are feeling so depressed and unhappy, and I know that positive thinking is easier said than done when one is feeling so low.

Pip's suggestion of volunteering is very worthwhile following up, many community groups that are crying out for volunteers and would make you very welcome; hopefully then your confidence and self esteem will grow and you may feel better about yourself.

You shouldn't apologise for posting how you feel on this forum, that's what is for and I hope being in contact with people on here will be some help.


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Re: There is no hope
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2014, 10:31:20 PM »
I find I cannot talk to my friends about how I am feeling because, even if it is unintentional, I feel like a fraud.  They are from the "you'll snap out of it" and "try be more positive" clan, which just doesn't help.  I would happily commit suicide but like yourself, I haven't got the guts.  I live everyday hoping to wake up the following day and hoping to be better but it never happens.
I have a job that I used to love but it now slowly drains the life out of me and is slowly sapping any bit of hope out of me.  Sorry to hear about your arthritis, it sounds a very painful condition.  Guess I should be lucky I just suffer with shin splints.
"Don’t depend too much on anyone in this world because even your own shadow leaves you when you are in darkness"


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Re: There is no hope
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2014, 07:34:23 AM »
Hi Chocsrus

Sorry for the long post. Everything you say sounds so familiar, in fact I am certain it is, the despondency, the tiredness, the sheer effort involved in even simple tasks. I am not going to say "don't worry you will feel better soon" because you probably don't want to hear it. When I am in my dark moods I often find that one negative though leads to another in a downward spiral.

I am not your doctor, whom you might want to go and see, but I have a logical brain, so lets perhaps look your situation logically:

You are obviously seriously depressed right now, otherwise you would not be on tablets and waiting for CBT.

Depression is a SERIOUS illness

If you are SERIOUSLY ill you will take time to get better.

Whilst waiting to get better you may not be able to function like you want, somedays a wash or walking around the garden is a major achievement. Try to do something simple each day, but go with the flow and if it doesnt happen dont beat yourself up. Be realistic.

If you are SERIOUSLY ill then going to work is not only impossible right now but bloody stupid. Would someone with cancer be expected to sit at a desk, no.

Dwelling on thoughts of work or other problems is not good. Your brain is depressed, it likes bad thoughts and searches them out. One bad thought will lead to another. You are worrying over things that may or may not happen, or might be different six months from now. Sometimes to relieve the pressure the brain does odd things, like make us scrub or selves or think that we smell. Try to focus on what is happening at the present, immediate time, for example whilst making tea think only of making tea. When walking think only of walking. This will give your brain a rest from worrying. And teach it to relax. This might sound dumb, but over time it works. Remember your brain is ill and not working properly, your thoughts are not real or at times even true.

Thoughts of suicide, even if you do not intend to take action should always be taken seriously. They are a sign of how ill you are.

Suffering is hard, tiring and lonely. Contacting a blog is great but often human contact is best. Sometimes contact with someone, who does not know you,who will not judge and is able to take time to chat is the best contact, especiallly when we are so low we don't know where to turn. In my experience the Samaritans are the best people to talk to. Before I became ill, I would never have dreamt I would be the "type" of person who needed their help. However, like me you are seriously ill and need as much help as you can get. If seeing your doctor right now is not possible or getting CBT will take a number of weeks or months, why not ring them. Whats the worst that could spend a few minutes talking to someone who doesn't know you anyway.

You may be saying "thats ok for him to say, he doesn't know, everyone is different". Fair enough, but if that is the case take time to look through the forum at different posts. Look at the evidence for yourself. You will see a theme through many of them. What is happening to you are symptoms of an illness and not unique. What has worked for others may work for you. In time your mood will change and you will have better times. You just have to be patient and take small steps to get there.

Good luck


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Re: There is no hope
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2014, 04:12:28 PM »
meds have bee upped and cbt started.  feeling worse if anything. no more please.  oh, and thanks toronaga for that excellent reply.


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Re: There is no hope
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2014, 04:25:54 PM »

Just stick with it, especially the exercise. Treat exercise like taking a tablet. When you feel bad is when you really need to take your tablet. Same with exercise - No point doing it when you feel better, just do as much as you can on the bad days. good luck

Sent from my exercise bike!