Thought of a Thread that Celebrates our Successes Excesses or just plain small or not so small Triumphs over our Depression and Lives.
Here is mine, Hubby puts cash in my account once a month, I usually keep a good check on it, as I have a few standing orders that come out of it each month, I try not to be a spendthrift and keep an eye on what is in my account each Month.
This month I dropped a clanger, and got overdrawn , first time EVER , not so good, also meant a payment to my water company got bounced. EEEEEK!.
Called my Bank and apologized, and pointed out I have never gone over my account balance , ever,..........the nice Lady checked, and as a sign of goodwill the Fee I would have paid (25 quid &*& ) will now not be taken out of my account. $%$
Called the Water Company and apologized over the late payment, they said " No worries " and my Standing Oder is still valid.
Not the Answer to Life, the Universe and Everything, but sure as heck made me feel better! , Phew. $%$