Author Topic: Feeling bullied  (Read 1094 times)


  • Karma Group
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Feeling bullied
« on: November 30, 2012, 07:57:11 PM »
As you may guess, at work I am a trade union representative. Recently I took on the lead union role in my workplace, making me the figurehead. Others didn't want to do it, so it sort of landed on me. It makes me the target for the management. Several times in the last couple of weeks they have searched me out at my desk in the open plan office, and asked to talk to me in private. Now, talking with the management is part of the job, but there is a forum for doing it, where agreements are reached and notes taken, and there shouldn't be too many instances when they need to take a rep away. I feel intimidated, like they are setting me up, and belittling me in front of colleagues. I'm not a hard-line union rep, not one for banging on desks, ranting and raving. I prefer to find a reasonable solution to problems. I also realise the management have a job to do. I feel like they are pushing me deliberately. They would not have done this to my predecessor, who was very experienced in the role.

After leaving work today, I've been tipped off that a manager was sniffing around my desk. That hasn't happened before.

I've been a union rep for over 15 years, in three separate workplaces for the same employer. Each time, I have come in for what I feel is excessive attention - bullying - from managers. The first time this happened brought on a spell of depression, which I did manage to fend off, but it took a lot of changes to my life to make things better, including moving away. It feels like I attract bullies. I was bullied at school too.

I have usually managed to keep the depression down, but I'm really struggling with it now. I'm dreading going to work every day. I'm worried about letting my members down. I'm sure one day when the manager takes me away for a talk in private, it will be to start disciplining me for something, and they will find a way to dismiss me. I'm nearly 50, and I've been with this employer all my working life. I can't afford to lose my job, and I would never find anything else. Very worried.


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Re: Feeling bullied
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2012, 08:25:55 PM »
I can totally appreciate your fear for possibly loosing your job, but would they really dare to the TU Rep?  When you say they call you away from your desk.  I would think you need to be seen to remind them, professionally, that there are procedures.  By not following those procedures, they could turn it around and have you facing disciplinary.

Have you thought carefully about taking this on permanently?  Could you consider excusing yourself due to "personal reason's" and go back to feeling secure in your own job?

If you're heart's set on sticking with it, then you need to remain squeaky clean and follow all procedure by the book.  You need courage and professionalism to stand up to the bosses.  Most of all, you need to feel strong enough within yourself and if you think it could put additional strain on your anxiety and depression levels, then perhaps it's best left to someone else

I hope that might help  little


  • Karma Group
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Re: Feeling bullied
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2012, 10:39:35 PM »
Thank you for those words. I don't know...I could finish due to "personal reasons", there's plenty else going on in my life that could do with my attention, but a lot of colleagues would see though that. I'd lose face and the bullies win again. We shouldn't give in to bullies. Besides, I want to succeed at this, and I know I can if I'm given a fair crack at the whip. It's been a hard weekend, as I don't feel confident about going back to work tomorrow, but I guess I have to take it a day at a time.


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Re: Feeling bullied
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2012, 07:28:13 PM »
Sometimes we learn and get more out of things that are a challenge.  Just because it will be difficult, doesn't mean we should run and hide.  I admire your courage and determination, I think you'll do the position justice.

Keep us posted how you're getting on.