I agree. By religion I mean those who have the beliefs (and really belief deserves an explanation because often people don't really believe when they think they do) of organised religions, those who believe in a god/gods, and those who believe in spiritual afterlife.
I am interested if some people who are atheists have found their beliefs upsetting rather than comforting.
As an atheist my beliefs are based on all the evidence that we have pointing towards consciousness as being an evolved trait that allows us to operate effectively within our environment, so that we can live, breed and pass on our genes. There isn't any other reason to believe that this consciousness exists after death any more than the rest of your body does. This doesn't upset me at all, when I die I won't be alive and so I will not be unhappy, my time to experience emotions is whilst I am alive, and during that time I will try my best to make the most of it. When we are gone it is down to others to enjoy their lives and operate in the world, and we should try to secure the best future for them possible.